This blog was written for and originally published by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and CONFENMEN on the occasion of the "Apprendre pour Demain" conference in Dakar, Senegal (January...
The purpose of the article "Teacher Researchers in Guatemala: Lessons from an action research experience to address educational gaps in the classroom" is to describe the learnings of primary...
Ce blog a été écrit et publié à l'origine par la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates et la CONFENMEN à l'occasion de la conférence « Apprendre pour Demain » à Dakar, au Sénégal (janvier 2025). Il a...
The Improving Learning Outcomes for Asia (ILOA) regional project works closely with USAID’s Asia Bureau and Missions across the region to identify key questions and challenges Mission staff face...
Remediation -- providing additional support to help students catch up to and/or master the content being taught in class -- is needed by many students but is often challenging to implement. Time...
This invited presentation was delivered for the workshop on best practices in education and protection in early childhood (l'éducation et la protection de la petite enfance [EPPE]) organized by...
Aligning donor investment with country priorities and effective approaches of engagement are essential for long-term impact. Over the last decade, USAID has been supporting the Government of...
Community-based methodological support, more accessible information on teacher professional development, and an app that builds students’ reading skills are helping improve learning outcomes in...
Over the last decade, USAID has been supporting the Government of Tajikistan (GOT) to improve learning outcomes in primary education. The GOT has not previously used a national objective...