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RELIT Infos : Newsletter 2024.1

June, 2024
A newsletter produced for the RELIT project in 2024

RELIT: Partage de Bonnes Pratiques sur EPPE [Presentation]

June, 2024
This invited presentation was delivered for the workshop on best practices in education and protection in early childhood (l'éducation et la protection de la petite enfance [EPPE]) organized by...

USAID is Making Durable Contributions to Improved Education in Tajikistan

May, 2024
Community-based methodological support, more accessible information on teacher professional development, and an app that builds students’ reading skills are helping improve learning outcomes in...

The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) in Tajikistan: Time for a New Approach?

May, 2024
Over the last decade, USAID has been supporting the Government of Tajikistan (GOT) to improve learning outcomes in primary education. The GOT has not previously used a national objective...

Integrating and Aligning Education Investments with Government Priorities

May, 2024
Aligning donor investment with country priorities and effective approaches of engagement are essential for long-term impact. Over the last decade, USAID has been supporting the Government of...

Addressing Inequality in Education in Tajikistan

May, 2024
Inclusive, supportive classroom environments can help students from disadvantaged backgrounds. USAID has been supporting the Government of Tajikistan (GOT) to improve learning outcomes in primary...

Instructional design of a blended teacher professional development (TPD) course in the Philippines [CIES 2024 Presentation]

March, 2024
This presentation features the instructional design of a blended learning online course on formative assessment developed at the request of the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd), under...

Social Emotional Learning and Inequalities in Academic Achievement: Evidence from Kenya, Vietnam, India, Peru and Ethiopia [CIES2024 Presentation]

March, 2024
Research in high-income countries has established a relation between social and emotional learning (SEL) and academic achievement. However, evidence is lacking from low- and middle-income...

Senegal-Bilingual Education: An “irreversible option” Context, Pedagogy, and Communication [CIES 2024 Presentation]

March, 2024
This presentation delivered at the CIES 2024 conference in Miami describes the bilingual reforms in Senegal and how they are supported through local language specialists (via the local...

Pakistan Basic Education Sector Assessment: Climate Resilience [CIES 2024 Presentation]

March, 2024
The rapidly changing climate is a threat that sees no borders and its impact on the education sector is severe. Yet, often in the wake of climate disasters, the education sector is widely...
