Survey of Children's Book Purchasing Habits in Senegal: Findings Report

Étude sur les habitudes de consommation de livres pour enfants au Sénégal : Rapport des résultats. The Survey on Children's Books Consumer Habits in Senegal seeks to provide detailed information on the behaviors and preferences of potential consumers of these books. The results will allow book publishers to draw useful lessons to better guide their offerings of supplementary reading materials. L'Étude sur le pouvoir d’achat en livres pour enfants cherche à renseigner de manière détaillée sur les comportements et les préférences des consommateurs potentiels de ces livres. Les résultats permettront aux éditeurs de livres de tirer les leçons utiles pour mieux orienter leurs offres en ouvrages complémentaires. Cette étude a été menée dans la dernière semaine de juillet 2023 par une équipe qui a mis en oeuvre une méthodologie articulée autour d’entretiens à l’aide de questionnaires détaillés avec les cibles suivantes : parents ou tuteurs, responsables d’écoles privées, libraires (détaillants et distributeurs de livres), gestionnaires de bibliothèques municipales, ONG, centres communautaires, collectivités territoriales et autres secteurs.

Nigeria Hausa Teacher Guide, Grade 2

This early grade reading material is made possible through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Nigeria Reading and Access Research Activity (EdData Task Order Number 26, EHC-E-00-04-00004-00) implemented by RTI International. It was tested in a controlled experiment that demonstrated effectiveness of the approach on improving reading skills.There is a corresponding pupil book and a collection of read alouds with related activities.

Read Liberia: Student Book Activity Part 2.

This publication covers topic such as reading and arts.

How data informs the journey: History and the next steps of Early Grade Reading

On January 18, 2022, the USAID’s Bureau for Asia collaborated with RTI International to reflect on the journey of early grade reading around the globe. The first presenter, Rosalina J. Villaneza, gave an introduction of national-scale early grade literacy assessments in the Philippines. The second presenter, Pilar Robledo, discussed the advent of USAID early grade reading programs, using the EGR Barometer to explore the impact of these programs. The final presenter, Luis Crouch, reflected on research and experience of early grade reading programs, suggesting the next steps on this journey to improve early grade literacy worldwide. View the recording below.

Social and Emotional Learning and School Climate Activity Report: Iringa and Zanzibar Regions

Based on 2018 Operational Research on contextualizing SEL in the Tanzanian context, this study sought to: 1) improve student learning through a focus on the social and emotional climate of the classroom; and 2) encourage reflection on existing classroom management and pedagogical practices and on activities that foster positive classroom climate and SEL; 3) foster dialogue about the goal of these activities and practices and the potential barriers to implementing them in the classroom; and 4) co-construct activities that achieve the goals and help address the barriers. It's primary aim was to build on what teachers already do well and encourage them to reflect on certain classroom values that are important to them that may be potential barriers to implementing new activities. The Activity monitored both how teachers engaged with two different methods of facilitating reflection and co-creation as well as how their attitudes and behaviors changed throughout the process. The aim of this report was to monitor and document the experience of implementing this activity to guide future practice.

ABE-ACR Tanzania National Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Final Report

This final report describes the progress made from October 1, 2015 - December 31, 2018 under the Tanzania National Early Grade Reading Assessment activity. USAID/Tanzania contracted RTI International to conduct two rounds of student assessments in early grade reading.

Building an Education System That Supports Learning in the Early Grades in Malawi: Findings from an Institutional Capacity Assessment

The Government of Malawi, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) with financial and technical support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is implementing a National Reading Programme (NRP) aimed at improving the reading skills of Malawian students in Standards 1–4, nationwide. USAID is supporting the NRP by providing technical and financial support through three activities: (1) MERIT: The Malawi Early Grade Reading Improvement Activity; (2) SEGREM: Strengthening Early Grade Reading in Malawi; and (3) YESA: Yesani Ophunzira Activity (Assess the Learners). The funding for all three activities will end between 2018 and 2021, and one of the objectives of MERIT is to ensure pathways for sustainability of reading outcomes are instituted such that gains made under the NRP are sustained after USAID support ends. As a first step, MERIT conducted a capacity assessment of the education system in Malawi to determine the extent to which the system is performing a set of core functions that have been shown to promote and sustain learning (Crouch & DeStefano, 2017). These are: (1) setting and communicating expectations; (2) monitoring against expectations; and (3) providing targeted support to schools and teachers. The goal of the capacity assessment exercise was to identify the key areas and opportunities to strengthen the education system’s capacity for producing and sustaining learning outcomes. The capacity assessment exercise involved extensive research and participatory consultation processes at national, district, and school levels, and under the guidance of an Institutional System Strengthening (ISS) Taskforce convened by the MoEST. The assessment exercise reached 13 of 34 educational districts and included focus group discussions (FGDs) with district and school-level personnel and community members and interviews with key leaders at MoEST central office. The assessment team also reviewed key policy documents and plans. The assessment exercise was undertaken between March and May 2018 by MERIT staff with support of members from the ISS Taskforce.

Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning and Adapting Online course

RTI’s Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning, and Adapting (MERLA) Community of Practice is proud to launch a free course geared towards the international development community. The course is designed for individuals of all practices (monitoring and evaluation, project management, business development, policy planning) and is intended to provide a foundation for MERLA basics. The five modules cover topics including fundamentals of program design, developing a project logic model (e.g. Theory of Change, Results Framework, etc), designing performance indicators, developing data collection instruments, and much more! No certificate is provided. The course is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA.

MERLA Course Navigation Guidelines

These navigation guidelines can be used with the MERLA course developed by RTI International for open access.

EGMA Toolkit en Español

La Evaluación de Matemáticas en los Primeros Grados (EGMA) Toolkit
