Journeys: Activity Handbook for Teachers and School Staff

Activity Handbook geared towards teachers and school staff on building a positive school climate and preventing school-related gender-based violence. This handbook was produced under the Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) and in collaboration with United States Agency for International Development, The Republic of Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports, Raising Voices, and Bantwana.

Journeys: Activity Handbook for Community Members

Activity Handbook geared towards school community members on building a positive school climate and preventing school-related gender-based violence. This handbook was produced under Uganda LARA and in collaboration with United States Agency for International Development, The Republic of Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports, Raising Voices, and Bantwana.

Jordan Remedial Study: Mathematics Diagnostic Assessment Tool and Stimulus Sheet

In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and mathematics intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused) support to the lowest performing children. Because the pedagogical approaches of the reading and mathematics activities were very similar, teachers were able to apply remedial activities in both subjects, and thus, children benefited in both reading and mathematics In Jordan, the remedial pilot activity included two teacher administered tools: (a) a “coarse-grain” screening tool used to identify children in need of remedial support and (b) a “fine-grain” diagnostic tool administered to each child identified by the coarse-grain tool as needing remedial support. To ensure efficacy—in particular, of the coarse grain tool’s ability to correctly identify students—the tools were piloted. In the pilot, the coarse-grain screening tool was administered to all students in the pilot classrooms. The students in the class were then ranked based on their performance on the coarse-grain tool. The fine-grain tool was then administered to every fourth or fifth student (depending on class size) on the list arranged in order of performance. Students who performed better on the coarse-grain tool were consistently identified as performing at a higher level by the fine-grain tool, and students who performed more poorly on the coarse-grain tool were determined to be performing at a lower level by the fine-grain tool. The attached resources are the Mathematics Diagnostic Assessment Tool and the Pupil Stimulus Sheets in Arabic used as part of the remedial pilot program.

Jordan Remedial Study: Reading Diagnostic Assessment Tool and Stimulus Sheet

In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and mathematics intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused) support to the lowest performing children. Because the pedagogical approaches of the reading and mathematics activities were very similar, teachers were able to apply remedial activities in both subjects, and thus, children benefited in both reading and mathematics In Jordan, the remedial pilot activity included two teacher administered tools: (a) a “coarse-grain” screening tool used to identify children in need of remedial support and (b) a “fine-grain” diagnostic tool administered to each child identified by the coarse-grain tool as needing remedial support. To ensure efficacy—in particular, of the coarse grain tool’s ability to correctly identify students—the tools were piloted. In the pilot, the coarse-grain screening tool was administered to all students in the pilot classrooms. The students in the class were then ranked based on their performance on the coarse-grain tool. The fine-grain tool was then administered to every fourth or fifth student (depending on class size) on the list arranged in order of performance. Students who performed better on the coarse-grain tool were consistently identified as performing at a higher level by the fine-grain tool, and students who performed more poorly on the coarse-grain tool were determined to be performing at a lower level by the fine-grain tool. The attached resources are the Reading Diagnostic Assessment Tool and the Pupil Stimulus Sheets in Arabic used as part of the remedial pilot program.

Jordan Remedial Study: Reading Teachers' Guide

In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and mathematics intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused) support to the lowest performing children. Because the pedagogical approaches of the reading and mathematics activities were very similar, teachers were able to apply remedial activities in both subjects, and thus, children benefited in both reading and mathematics In Jordan, the remedial pilot activity included two teacher administered tools: (a) a “coarse-grain” screening tool used to identify children in need of remedial support and (b) a “fine-grain” diagnostic tool administered to each child identified by the coarse-grain tool as needing remedial support. To ensure efficacy—in particular, of the coarse grain tool’s ability to correctly identify students—the tools were piloted. In the pilot, the coarse-grain screening tool was administered to all students in the pilot classrooms. The students in the class were then ranked based on their performance on the coarse-grain tool. The fine-grain tool was then administered to every fourth or fifth student (depending on class size) on the list arranged in order of performance. Students who performed better on the coarse-grain tool were consistently identified as performing at a higher level by the fine-grain tool, and students who performed more poorly on the coarse-grain tool were determined to be performing at a lower level by the fine-grain tool. The attached resources are the Reading Teachers' Guide in Arabic used as part of the remedial pilot program.

Jordan Remedial Study: Mathematics Teachers' Guide (Arabic)

In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and math intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused) support to the lowest performing children. Because the pedagogical approaches of the reading and mathematics activities were very similar, teachers were able to apply remedial activities in both subjects, and thus, children benefited in both reading and mathematics. The attached document is the Mathematics Teachers' Guide in Arabic.

Ghana 2015 EGRA and EGMA: Report of Findings

The National Education Assessment Unit (NEAU) of the Ghana Education Service (GES) conducted a national Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) in July 2015. This was the second administration of EGRA and EGMA in Ghana; the first took place in 2013, and both were conducted as part of the USAID Partnership for Education: Testing activity. This report describes the findings.

Jordan Remedial Study: Mathematics Teachers' Guide

In 2013–14, in response to the success of a reading and mathematics intervention, the Ministry of Education in Jordan developed and piloted a remedial program to provide differentiated (focused) support to the lowest performing children. In Jordan, the remedial pilot activity included two teacher administered tools: (a) a “coarse-grain” screening tool used to identify children in need of remedial support and (b) a “fine-grain” diagnostic tool administered to each child identified by the coarse-grain tool as needing remedial support. To ensure efficacy—in particular, of the coarse grain tool’s ability to correctly identify students—the tools were piloted. In the pilot, the coarse-grain screening tool was administered to all students in the pilot classrooms. The students in the class were then ranked based on their performance on the coarse-grain tool. The fine-grain tool was then administered to every fourth or fifth student (depending on class size) on the list arranged in order of performance. Students who performed better on the coarse-grain tool were consistently identified as performing at a higher level by the fine-grain tool, and students who performed more poorly on the coarse-grain tool were determined to be performing at a lower level by the fine-grain tool. The attached resource is the mathematics teachers' guide in Arabic used as part of the remedial pilot program.

Nepal Big Book - Opposite Umesh

Big Books Type 3 (8Pg, 2Col). Ulto Umesh. These materials were originally developed by Room to Read. Under Creative Commons Attribution, Room to Read ceded copyright for these materials to the Government of Nepal. The Government of Nepal adapted these materials with the help of RTI International. These materials were delivered to Nepali school children in grades 1-3 in 6 districts in Nepal.

Nepal Big Book - I Lost All My Stuff

Big Books Type 3 (8Pg, 2Col). Sabai saman harayen. These materials were originally developed by Room to Read. Under Creative Commons Attribution, Room to Read ceded copyright for these materials to the Government of Nepal. The Government of Nepal adapted these materials with the help of RTI International. These materials were delivered to Nepali school children in grades 1-3 in 6 districts in Nepal.
