NEDS 2015 School Attendance in Nigeria

This presentation provides data on school attendance in Nigeria. The presentation was prepared for and presented at a dissemination event in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory. The data for this presentation was collected under the USAID-funded National Education Data Survey for Nigeria (NEDS 2015).

EGRA Plus in Liberia [Video]

EGRA Plus in Liberia Liberia began an early grade reading intervention, called EGRA Plus: Liberia, in 2008. By the end of the project in 2010, students' reading performance had nearly tripled. This video shows that large improvements in reading are possible on a relatively fast schedule. At the same time, there are many children in Liberia who still can't read. Now that there is proof that reading can be improved in short periods of time, this video calls for urgent attention to this issue and provides a few tips to parents as to what they can do to assist teachers in improving their children's reading performance.

La lecture au Mali. Resultats de l’etude EGRA 2009. [Video]

This video was created by a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in order to disseminate results of the early grade reading assessment (EGRA), raise awareness of the importance of reading, and mobilize communities.

La lecture au Senegal: Resultats de l’etude EGRA (2009) [Video]

This video was created under a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation by a local Senegalese production company in order to raise awareness of the importance of reading and mobilize communities to take action.

Zambia 2016 Grade 2 National Assessment Survey Implementation Plan

This implementation report was designed to assist the Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) by providing detailed instructions for carrying out the 2016 National Assessment Survey for Grade 2.

Zambia 2016 Grade 2 NAS Implementation Plan

This implementation report was designed to assist the Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) by providing detailed instructions for carrying out the 2016 National Assessment Survey for Grade 2.

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The attached document is the Teacher's Guide for teaching French language developed under the USAID-funded Haiti ToTAL Project. The manual was developed in 2013.

Brief Guidance on Gender and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials

Teaching and learning materials are powerful role models for children, because the images and language with which children interact can impact their understanding of the world. Therefore, it is crucial that materials children are exposed to reflect empowered individuals from all areas of society, and especially from those areas that are marginalized, disadvantaged, and/or underrepresented. In support of this goal, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID’s) Bureau for Africa has developed A Guide for Strengthening Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials to promote inclusivity and equality in teaching and learning materials. The main themes of the Guide are summarized here.

Education Attendance Rates and Schooling Status - 2015 NEDS

This infographic provides an overview of key data related to attendance rates and schooling status in Nigeria, based on the NEDS 2015 data set.

Nigerian Education Data Survey (NEDS) 2010-State Report: Adamawa

The 2010 Nigeria Education Data Survey (NEDS) was a nationally representative sample survey implemented primarily by the National Population Commission (NPC) in collaboration with the Federal Ministry Of Education (FMOE) and the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC). The 2010 NEDS has the following specific objectives: * Provide data on the schooling status of Nigerian children of basic education age, including factors influencing whether children ever enroll in school and why students drop out of school * Quantify household expenditures on children’s schooling by examining different patterns of expenditure by various background characteristics * Measure parents’ attitudes to schooling, including the quality of schooling and provide an understanding of attitudes that shape their willingness to send their children to school * Measure the frequency of student absenteeism and reasons for missing school in order to suggest possible approaches to maximizing attendance * Provide data that allows for trend analysis and State comparisons A very high overall response rate of 98% was achieved with interviews completed in 26,934 households.
