National Assessment Survey of Learning Achievement at Grade 2: Results for Early Grade Reading in Zambia

This analysis report for the reading portion of the Grade 2 NAS presents the results for pupil performance on the EGRA in seven local languages, each of which also had a small set of subtasks in English. Additional information about schools, teachers, head teachers, and pupils’ socioeconomic background that was collected alongside the EGRA provides context for many of the results. For grade 2, a nationally representative sample of pupils was selected to take locally developed versions of the EGRA and the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), which together comprised the Grade 2 National Assessment Survey (NAS). Outcomes on the EGMA portion of the survey, sponsored by the British Department for International Development (DFID), are documented in a separate findings report.

Education Evaluation Services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) The DRC 2015 Early Grade Reading Assessment, Early Grade Mathematics Assessment, and Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness—Report of Lessons Learned, Revised

This report focuses on practical lessons learned from the implementation of these assessments that may be helpful for further assessments in the DRC and elsewhere.

Education Evaluation Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) The DRC 2015 Early Grade Reading Assessment, Early Grade Mathematics Assessment, and Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness – Grade 3 Report of Findings

This study primarily provides USAID and the GDRC with information regarding the ability of Grade 3 children to read in three of the DRC’s national languages (Lingala, Kiswahili, and Tshiluba), those same pupils’ receptive and productive oral French skills, and Grade 5 children’s ability to read in French. Other elements of the study provide insight into the numeracy skills of Grade 3 children in one district in Katanga as well as the French reading and numeracy skills of Level 3 pupils in the Accelerated Learning Programs (ALPs). The study also provides background context and data related to key pupil, teacher, head teacher, and school variables that are hypothesized to be good predictors of pupil performance in early grade literacy and numeracy. This diagnostic information will help policymakers make data-informed decisions regarding remediation strategies that can improve the quality of instruction and pupil learning outcomes in early primary grades. English and French versions are available for download.

Education Evaluation Services in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): The DRC 2015 Early Grade Reading Assessment and Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness Grade 5 Report of Findings

This study primarily provides USAID and the GDRC with information regarding the ability of Grade 3 children to read in three of the DRC’s national languages (Lingala, Kiswahili, and Tshiluba), those same pupils’ receptive and productive oral French skills, and Grade 5 children’s ability to read in French. Other elements of the study provide insight into the numeracy skills of Grade 3 children in one district in Katanga as well as the French reading and numeracy skills of Level 3 pupils in the Accelerated Learning Programs (ALPs). The study also provides background context and data related to key pupil, teacher, head teacher, and school variables that are hypothesized to be good predictors of pupil performance in early grade literacy and numeracy. This diagnostic information will help policymakers make data-informed decisions regarding remediation strategies that can improve the quality of instruction and pupil learning outcomes in early primary grades. English and French versions of the report are available for download.

Information for Education Policy, Planning, Management, and Accountability in West Bank and Gaza: Final Report of Findings of the Data Gap Analysis of the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education

The purpose of the data gap analysis is to help the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education to identify ways to improve the integration and utilization of its data systems for policy, planning, and management, as well as reporting and feedback to the public and stakeholders. With funding through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), RTI International ( fielded a three-person team to survey Ministry offices, assess existing data systems and applications, and debrief the Ministry and USAID on summary findings.

School Quality Assessment for Education and WASH in Three UNICEF-Supported Regions

This is the inception report for the School Quality Assessment for Education and WASH in Three UNICEF-Supported Regions of Tanzania. The report outlines the approach to the study including the fundamental research questions and associated design to implementing the study.

Malawi Social and Behavior Change Communications Research: Campaign Materials

The attached document is a literacy activity titled "Find What's Missing" that was developed and used as part of the social and behavior change communications (SBCC) research pilot in Malawi.

Senegal Social and Behavior Change Communications Research: Posters

Under the Education Data for Decision Making (EdData II) task order titled “Measurement and Research Support to Education Strategy Goal 1,” RTI International implemented a three-month SBCC campaign in the Senegalese communities of Kaolack and Rufisque. This campaign included radio broadcasts, community meetings, community-theater, and posters reinforcing a common set of messages regarding what parents and family members could do to help their children learn to read. The objectives of the campaign were to enhance families’ perception of the value of reading, promote children’s reading and literacy as a pleasure and a shared responsibility, and strengthen parents’ confidence in their ability to improve their children’s success in reading. The campaign also helped overcome a lack of reading materials in the community by providing stocks of books that children and families could borrow.

Senegal Social and Behavior Change Communications Research: Poster Campaign Materials

The following poster images were designed for the Social and Behavior Change Communications (SBCC) campaign in the Senegalese school communities of Kaolack and Rufisque. SBCC, a strategy originally used to support public health initiatives, utilizes a series of communication techniques to bring about changes in family members’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to their children learning to read. The five posters found in this document were placed in public spaces in Kaolack and Rufisque and served as one of the many forms of campaign material designed to influence families’ attitudes toward their children’s reading.

Senegal Social and Behavior Change Communications Research: Memory Card Campaign Materials

Under the Education Data for Decision Making (EdData II) task order titled “Measurement and Research Support to Education Strategy Goal 1,” RTI International implemented a three-month SBCC campaign in the Senegalese communities of Kaolack and Rufisque. This campaign included radio broadcasts, community meetings, community-theater, and posters reinforcing a common set of messages regarding what parents and family members could do to help their children learn to read. The objectives of the campaign were to enhance families’ perception of the value of reading, promote children’s reading and literacy as a pleasure and a shared responsibility, and strengthen parents’ confidence in their ability to improve their children’s success in reading. The campaign also helped overcome a lack of reading materials in the community by providing stocks of books that children and families could borrow.
