Improving Learning Outcomes through Mother Tongue-Based Education

This four-page brief provides an overview of the learning and other advantages of providing educational instruction in mother tongue, or familiar, languages. The brief also contains information on factors to consider when developing a mother tongue-based education program.

ABE - ACR Tanzania National EGRA Pilot Study Report

The Tanzania National Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) aims to gather data about the progress of Standard 2 students against the national benchmarks developed and adopted in 2014 and to collect contextual information about the implementation of the 3Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic) reforms for early grade teachers in Tanzania. The pilot study is an important part of the life cycle of the study because the information collected helps us improve several aspects of our data collection for the full survey. This report will provide an introduction to the pilot study, describe the analyses conducted, discuss quality control measures implemented during the pilot, and explain how the assessment instruments were finalized based on the pilot study data.

National Baseline Assessment for 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) in Tanzania (Summary Brief)

Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the focus of the 3Rs campaign, a derivative of the Big Results Now initiative enacted by the Government of Tanzania in 2013. As one of the six focal areas anticipated to elevate Tanzania from a low- to middle-income country, education, particularly primary education, is receiving increased attention. In July 2013, planning commenced for the National Baseline Assessment for 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) Using Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), and Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness (SSME). The assessment was conducted in October of the same year. The purpose of the assessment was to establish the baseline achievement levels of Grade 2 students, specifically with regard to their foundational skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic. This brief summarizes the results of the national baseline

Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit, Second Edition in Arabic

The attached document is the Arabic-adapted Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit, Second Edition. The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit, Second Edition is the product of ongoing collaboration among a large community of scholars, practitioners, government officials, and education development professionals to advance the cause of early reading assessment and acquisition among primary school children in low-income countries. In the interest of consolidating diverse experiences and developing a reasonably standardized approach to assessing children’s early reading acquisition, this “toolkit,” or user manual, serves as a guide for countries beginning to work with EGRA in such areas as local adaptation of the instrument, fieldwork, and analysis of results This toolkit is intended for use by Ministry or Department of Education staff, donor staff, practitioners, and professionals in the field of education development working specifically in Arabic-speaking contexts. The document seeks to summarize a large body of research in an accessible manner. The procedures described in this toolkit are to be used in all USAID-funded administrations of EGRA and, it is hoped, in all other EGRA administrations as well.

Evaluation Des Competences Fondamentales en Lecture (EGRA) Manuel, Deuxieme Edition (French EGRA Toolkit, Second Edition)

The attached document is the French-adapted Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit, Second Edition. It is the product of ongoing collaboration among a large community of scholars, practitioners, government officials, and education development professionals to advance the cause of early reading assessment and acquisition among primary school children in low-income countries. In the interest of consolidating diverse experiences and developing a reasonably standardized approach to assessing children’s early reading acquisition, this “toolkit,” or user manual, serves as a guide for countries beginning to work with EGRA in such areas as local adaptation of the instrument, fieldwork, and analysis of results. This toolkit is intended for use by Ministry or Department of Education staff, donor staff, practitioners, and professionals in the field of education development working specifically for French-speaking contexts. The document, seeks to summarize a large body of research in an accessible manner. The procedures described in this toolkit are to be used in all USAID-funded administrations of EGRA and, it is hoped, in all other EGRA administrations as well.

Community Forum Sustainability Review

This reports summarizes a process to improve performance management and accountability that emphasized participatory data collection and use in Northern Nigeria. Private sector actors at State, LG and school and community level were encouraged to collect data and use it for purposes of advocacy, capacity building, and accountability. At the local government level, community participation was encouraged through a series of forums in which representatives from school staff, parents, business and religious leaders collectively reviewed data on the performance of their primary school education system, established areas for support, and assigned responsibilities. Although successful with support from project funds, it was unclear if the process would survive after the project. This report summarizes a survey of forum participants and is divided into three sections: (i) a short discussion of the data collection process; (ii) a summary review of survey results; and (iii) recommendation for three key areas of sustainability – roles and responsibilities; financing and formalization of the process.

Reading Skills and Gender: An Analysis

A brief summary of EGRA results across countries (through 2011) highlighting differences in achievement by gender.

The First 1,000 Days and Beyond: Integrated Approaches to Early Childhood Development (Video recording)

In October 2016, experts from RTI International, USAID, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation participated in a panel discussion examining how stakeholders in early childhood education, health and nutrition can break down the silos represented by these fields and build an integrated approach to early childhood development. The panel took place following the release of a new Series on early childhood development published in The Lancet which found that more than two in five children in low- and middle-income countries (an estimated 43 percent, or 250 million) are at risk of not reaching their development potential due to extreme poverty and chronic undernutrition. Maureen Black, PhD, distinguished fellow at RTI International, is lead author of the first paper in the Series.

Hiligaynon EGRA: Summary of Results (2014)

This two page brief provides summary graphics of key data on children's reading ability in schools that teach reading in Hiligaynon and use this language as medium of instruction. The skills were measured using EGRA, conducted in February/March 2014 (end of Grade 1 and Grade 2).

Maguindanaoan EGRA: Summary of Results (2014)

This two page brief provides summary graphics of key data on children's reading ability in schools that teach reading in Sinugbuanong Binisaya and use this language as medium of instruction. The skills were measured using EGRA, conducted in Region VII in February/March 2014 (end of Grade 1 and Grade 2).
