Proposing Benchmarks for Early Grade Reading and Mathematics in Tanzania

In November 2013, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT), with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and technical assistance by RTI International, conducted the National Baseline Assessment for the 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) Using Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), and Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness (SSME) in Standard 2 in Tanzania. The purpose of this study was to provide data that can be translated into an evidence base to inform policy decisions and interventions. The baseline assessment also provides rich performance and contextual data that can be used for comparison with midline and endline studies after the introduction of new reforms or interventions under the 3Rs campaign or the larger Big Results Now (BRN) initiative. This brief describes the workshop and presents the benchmarks.

USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program: Early Grade Reading Assessment Results

This brief discusses the results from the EGRAs conducted as of January 2016 in Uganda under the School Health and Reading Program (SHRP). Results to date indicate that in virtually every language, increases in reading skills beyond those found in controls schools are taking place – and that teachers are changing the way they are teaching reading.

Uganda School Health and Reading Program Early Grade Reading Assessment Cluster 3 Follow Up 1

This brief discusses Cluster 3 schools where Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) data were collected from 112 randomly selected program and control schools without the program in 9 districts in Uganda1 in October, 2015 from 1,504 program learners and 1,432 control learners at the end of P1 and the findings compared to baseline data collected at the beginning of P1 in February, 2015 from 1,599 program and 1,574 control learners.

USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program: The Status of Early Grade Reading and Support to Primary School Teachers to Teach Reading in Uganda: Cluster 3 Baseline Report

This report summarizes the findings from a baseline assessment that was conducted in February and March, 2015 to determine the current status of reading achievement in the “Cluster 3” schools in which the Program is currently working, as well as achievement in control1 schools that will be used as a basis for comparison in assessing the effectiveness of the interventions going forward.

Uganda School Health and Reading Program: Cluster 3 Baseline Brief Report

This brief discusses the data collected for Cluster 3 schools using the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) from 112 randomly selected government primary schools in 9 program districts in Uganda. EGRA data were collected in five languages— Lugwere, Lusoga, Lhukonzo, Ŋakarimojoŋ and English; all learners were assessed in English and in one of the four local languages. Overall, 3,244 Primary 1 (P1) and 1,124 Primary 3 (P3) learners were assessed. In addition to this, 40 P1 reading lessons were observed and 104 teachers and 112 head teachers (or designees in their absence) were interviewed about the support that they provide to teachers in the area of reading.

Uganda School Health and Reading Program Early Grade Reading Assessment Cluster 2 Follow Up 2

This brief discusses the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) data collected for Cluster 2 shows that Leb Acӧli, Lugbarati, and Runyoro-Rutooro schools receiving the SHRP intervention are continuing to make small but significant progress towards reading proficiency.

Uganda School Health and Reading Program Early Grade Reading Assessment Cluster 2 Follow Up 1

This brief looks at whether or not reading achievement increased as a result of the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program interventions. Using the Early Grade Reading Assessment, data collected for 4 Cluster 1 languages local languages Lebacoli, Lugbarati, Lumasaba, and Runyoro-Rutoro) and English at baseline, beginning of P1 compared to data collected at the end of P1 show increases in foundational pre-reading and emergent reading skills, significantly higher than increases found in control schools.

Uganda School Health and Reading Program Early Grade Reading Assessment Cluster 1 Follow Up 3

This brief looks at whether or not reading achievement increased as a result of the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program interventions. Using the Early Grade Reading Assessment, data collected for 4 Cluster 1 languages (Ateso, Leblango, Luganda and Runyankore-Rukiga) and English at the beginning of Primary 1 compared to end of Primary 3 show increases in fundamental reading skills, higher than increases found in control schools.

Uganda School Health and Reading Program Early Grade Reading Assessment Cluster 1 Follow Up 2

This brief presents data from the USAID-funded Uganda School Health and Reading Program (SHRP) on the Early Grade Reading Assessment from Cluster 1 Follow-up 2. The EGRA included 4,541 learners in program schools and 1,468 learners in control schools at the beginning of P1 in February, 2013 compared to 4,343 learners in program schools and 1,472 learners in control schools at the end of P2 in October, 2014.

Uganda School Health and Reading Program Early Grade Reading Assessment Cluster 1 Follow Up Preliminary Results: P1 Local Language Reading Ability and Classroom Teaching of Reading

This brief focuses on the P1 learners from the Uganda School Health and Reading Program (SHRP) and their changes in local language reading skills and abilities as well as their learning environment (classroom teaching) in the area of reading.
