Tangerine: Evaluaciones Móbiles de Manera Sencilla

Tangerine overview in Spanish

ACR-Asia: Research Report: Investing in Early Grade Reading in Lower and Middle-income Countries in Asia

USAID/Washington, via the All Children Reading (ACR)—Asia task order, commissioned RTI International to conduct research on whether lower and middle-income countries in Asia should invest in early grade reading. To do so, we consider the relationship between increased literacy and employment and social outcomes. We also investigate evolving job opportunities in developing Asian economies, their literacy requirements, and the relationship of Asian growth to the US economy. We then examine data on the current literacy levels among school-going and young-adult populations in Asian countries to see if they meet the needs revealed by job market trends in Asia. The analyses presented in this report show conclusively that it continues to be important for lower and middle income countries in Asia to invest in improving the teaching and learning of literacy skills in early grades. Emphasis should be placed not only on foundational skills, but also on applied skills, such as reading for comprehension across subject areas and applying information gleaned through reading various types of text to understand and solve increasingly complex problems. Education systems therefore must address the full continuum of reading skills development, beginning in the early years and throughout primary school.

All Children Reading-Asia: EGRA Benchmarks and Standards Research Report

The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is widely used to assess reading proficiency in developing countries. Benchmarks were introduced to simplify EGRA results into a single indicator against which countries could measure their children’s reading progress. This report is about the process, rational and considerations for setting benchmarks (a desired level of performance on a reading task) and targets (the percent of students intended to reach the performance level). The report addresses three purposes of benchmarking: 1. Country purpose: Track progress in reading within a national education system and provide data to inform efforts to improve education quality. 2. Agency purpose: Help USAID monitor the progress of projects and countries working to reach specific children-reading goals. 3. The global purpose: Measure progress in reading for all; provide a basis for global advocacy; and provide

2017 Tanzania National EGRA, EGMA, SSME, and Life Skills Instruments

Final, validated instruments used in the 2017 Tanzania National EGRA. The EGRA and SSME were made possible with funding from USAID. The EGMA component was made possible by funding from Global Affairs Canada. The Life Skills component was funded by UNICEF Tanzania.

Asia-adapted: A Guide for Strengthening Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials

The Guide for Strengthening Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials in Asia was produced for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2017. The Guide was adapted for Asia from the Guide for Strengthening Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials (USAID, 2015) that was developed as part of the Data for Education Research and Programming project with USAID’s Bureau for Africa. In support of the Agency’s Education Strategy and Policy on Gender Equality and Female Empowerment, this Guide advances global efforts toward greater gender equality and inclusiveness in education by providing guidance on how to develop and evaluate materials that are free of bias and that promote equality and inclusiveness of all marginalized, disadvantaged, and underrepresented groups.

Tusome Class 2 Pupil Book, Tusome Early Literacy Programme

Day-by-day pupil's activity book. Companion to Kiswahili Teacher's Guide, Grade 2. Prepared with funding from the USAID and DFID Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity, implemented by MoEST with technical assistance from RTI International, 2014–2018. Tusome is a national-scale program for improving the reading skills of learners in grades 1 and 2.

Tusome Grade 1 Teacher's Guide

Day-by-day Grade 1 Teacher's Guide in Kiswahili. Companion to Kiswahili Kitabu cha Mwanafunzi, 1 [Kiswahili Pupil’s Book, 1]. Prepared with funding from the USAID and DFID Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity, implemented by MoEST with technical assistance from RTI International, 2014–2018. Tusome is a national-scale program for improving the reading skills of learners in grades 1 and 2.

Tusome Grade 1 Pupils' Book

Day-by-day pupils' activity book in Kiswahili. Prepared with funding from the USAID and DFID Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity, implemented by MoEST with technical assistance from RTI International, 2014–2018. Tusome is a national-scale program for improving the reading skills of learners in grades 1 and 2.

We All Have a Role To Play In Ending Gender-Based Violence In Education

School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is any act or threat of physical, sexual or psychological violence or abuse that occurs in or around school. SRGBV is based on gendered stereotypes and includes rape, unwanted sexual touching, unwanted sexual comments, corporal punishment, bullying and other forms of non-sexual intimidation or abuse, such as verbal harassment or exploitative labour in schools. SRGBV may be perpetrated by teachers, students or community members. Both girls and boys can be victims and perpetrators.

USAID PRIORITAS Final Project Report, Volume I: Main Report

The USAID PRIORITAS project began in May 2012 with the aim of achieving expanded access to improved quality basic education (IR1). The intermediate results (IRs) that the project aimed to achieve are as follows: * strengthened instruction in schools in targeted districts (IR1-1) * improved education management and governance in targeted schools (IR1-2) * strengthened coordination between all levels of the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and education institutions (IR1-3). This report covers the duration of the project, from May 2012 to September 2017.
