LEGO Foundation Play Accelerator Rwanda Endline Report

The goal of this report is to provide comprehensive endline estimates for the Scaling LtP program in Rwanda. These results will serve two purposes: (1) to provide an estimate of variations in program impact between different implementation approaches since baseline and (2) to provide the LEGO Foundation with data-driven recommendations on program design and implementation to inform future activities. The endline study comprises two datasets: longitudinal, quantitative data collected at three timepoints (2021, 2022, and 2023); and qualitative data collected at endline only. While the study design began with a dedicated control group, the program began implementing in these schools prior to midline. As such, the study now compares full roll-out to delayed implementation (in the former control schools). The quantitative analysis presented in this report focuses on three main comparisons, addressing the following research questions: 1. Change in attitudes and practice among Grade 1 teachers from baseline to endline, across treatment and control groups. 2. Change in reading, math and social and emotional learning (SEL) outcomes of students in Grade 4 at endline, compared to Grade 1 (baseline), across treatment and control groups. 3. Changes in the teaching and learning environment from baseline to endline, across treatment and control groups.

LEGO Foundation Play Accelerator Ghana Endline Report

The Play Accelerator grant presents a unique opportunity to examine five large-scale educational interventions focused on improving learning through play (LtP) in Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, and Vietnam, respectively. One aspect of this activity is determining if and how these five programs change the practice and attitudes of key education stakeholder and whether or not this leads to improved holistic learning outcomes through increasing playful pedagogies. This in turn will generate much-needed rigorous evidence on implementing playful pedagogies successfully through government teacher professional development systems at scale. This report presents detailed endline findings from the Partners in Play program (P3) implemented by Right to Play (RtP) in Ghana, based on data collected in February and May 2024.

LEGO Play Accelerator Midline Report - P3 Ghana

This report presents detailed midline findings from the Partners in Play Program (P3) implemented by Right to Play in Ghana, based on data collected between November and December 2022.

LEGO Play Accelerator Midline Report - TuKu Kenya

This report presents detailed midline findings from the Tucheza Kujifunza (TuKu) program implemented by Aga Khan Foundation in Kenya, based on data collected in October 2022.

LEGO Play Accelerator Midline Report - Scaling LtP Rwanda

This report presents detailed midline findings from the Scaling LTP program implemented by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Rwanda based on data collected in June 2022.

LEGO Play Accelerator Midline Report - iPLAY Vietnam

This report presents detailed midline findings from the iPLAY program implemented by the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (known as VVOB) in Vietnam, based on data collected in May 2023.

LEGO Play Accelerator Endline Report - iPLAY Vietnam

The Play Accelerator grant presents a unique opportunity to examine five large-scale educational interventions focused on improving learning through play (LtP) in Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, and Vietnam. One aspect of this activity is determining if and how these five programs change the practice and attitudes of key education stakeholder and whether or not this leads to improved holistic learning outcomes through increasing playful pedagogies. This in turn will generate much-needed rigorous evidence on implementing playful pedagogies successfully through government teacher professional development systems at scale. This report presents detailed endline findings from the iPLAY program implemented by the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB), based on data collected in May 2024.

LEGO Play Accelerator Endline Report - TuKu Kenya

The Play Accelerator grant presents a unique opportunity to examine five large-scale educational interventions focused on improving learning through play (LtP) in Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, and Vietnam, respectively. One aspect of this activity is determining if and how these five programs change the practice and attitudes of key education stakeholders and whether or not this leads to improved holistic learning outcomes through increasing playful pedagogies. This in turn will generate much-needed rigorous evidence on implementing playful pedagogies at scale successfully through government systems for teacher professional development systems. This report presents detailed endline findings from the Tucheze Kujifunza (TuKu) program implemented by Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), based on data collected in January 2024.

LEGO Play Accelerator Baseline Report - LtP Bangladesh

This report presents baseline findings collected in February and March 2023 from the Bangladesh Learning through Play: Creating, Implementing, and Sustaining a Model of Playful Pedagogy in Government Primary Schools in Bangladesh program, implemented by Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC). The goal of this report is to provide comprehensive baseline estimates for the BRAC Learning through Play program. These results will serve two purposes: (1) provide a starting point against which program impact will be measured at endline, and (2) provide programs with data-driven recommendations of areas to focus on for improved implementation throughout the remainder of their programming.

LEGO Play Accelerator Baseline Report - Vietnam iPLAY

This report presents baseline findings collected in May 2022 from the Vietnam Integrating Play-based Learning Activities for Young learners (iPLAY) program, implemented by the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB). The goal of this report is to provide comprehensive baseline estimates for the iPLAY program. These results will serve two purposes: (1) provide a starting point against which program impact will be measured at midline and endline and (2) provide programs with data-driven recommendations of areas to focus on for improved implementation throughout the remainder of their programming.
