The goal of this report is to provide comprehensive endline estimates for the Scaling LtP program in Rwanda. These results will serve two purposes: (1) to provide an estimate of variations in program impact between different implementation approaches since baseline and (2) to provide the LEGO Foundation with data-driven recommendations on program design and implementation to inform future activities.
The endline study comprises two datasets: longitudinal, quantitative data collected at three timepoints (2021, 2022, and 2023); and qualitative data collected at endline only. While the study design began with a dedicated control group, the program began implementing in these schools prior to midline. As such, the study now compares full roll-out to delayed implementation (in the former control schools).
The quantitative analysis presented in this report focuses on three main comparisons, addressing the following research questions:
1. Change in attitudes and practice among Grade 1 teachers from baseline to endline, across treatment and control groups.
2. Change in reading, math and social and emotional learning (SEL) outcomes of students in Grade 4 at endline, compared to Grade 1 (baseline), across treatment and control groups.
3. Changes in the teaching and learning environment from baseline to endline, across treatment and control groups.