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All Children Reading - Cambodia Hearing and Vision Screening Report

June, 2019
Report created by All Children Reading - Cambodia that details the piloting of screening tools on a reasonable scale to determine if teachers could be trained to appropriately deploy these tools...

Longitudinal impacts of the medium-scale Tayari pre-primary intervention in Kenya: Resisting fadeout effects? [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
This presentation shares findings from a longitudinal study of the Kenya Tayari program, examining whether ECD effects persisted into primary school, presented by Dr. Benjamin Piper at CIES 2019.

USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) Early Grade Reading Assessment EGRA Briefer 003

May, 2019
LARA is designed to improve outcomes for children through implementation of an early grade reading program and strengthened safe and supportive school environments.

Global Learning XPRIZE Data Summary

May, 2019
This presentation was delivered to a team of researchers who participated in a "Data Deep Dive" convened by the XPRIZE Foundation after the announcement of the Global Learning XPRIZE award.

Gender patterns in mathematics achievement in the early years: Results from Tayari Kenya [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
Dr. Benjamin Piper and Dr. Yasmin Sitabkhan presented findings at CIES 2019 on gender and math in the preschool years from the Kenya Tayari program.

Language of instruction and refugee learners: A mixed-methods study of the Tusome intervention and language options in Kakuma refugee camp [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
Findings on the impact of the Tusome intervention and language of instruction on refugee learners in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, presented by Dr. Benjamin Piper at CIES 2019.

Pilot research to large scale practice: Kenya’s path to a national literacy program underpinned by evidence [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
At CIES 2019, Dr. Benjamin Piper reflected on the use of experimental and implementation research to inform the scale-up and success of the USAID Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity in Kenya.

Training teachers or robots: Unexpected findings of a 7-country teacher professional development study [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
This presentation unpacks findings from a seven-country teacher professional development study, presented by Dr. Benjamin Piper and Jessica Mejia at CIES 2019.

Small non-residential trainings vs. large residential training: Findings from action research in Uganda [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
The USAID-funded Uganda School Health and Reading Program (SHRP), implemented by RTI International, has been training teachers in Early Grade Reading (EGR) methods since early 2013. Up until 2018,...

Extending literacy beyond the classroom: youth groups and library partnerships for sustainability [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
Under the Tusome-Nakuru County Youth Bunge Forum (NCYBF), the program sought to engage the youth in improving early literacy skills among Grades 1-3 children in Nakuru County in Kenya. The Nakuru...
