Quality inclusive education for children with disabilities is now a requirement in development work. However, many governments struggle not only with how to strengthen and adapt instruction to...
Students’ experiences of school life play an important role in their ability to benefit from their education. When children feel safe and welcome at school, are encouraged in the classroom and...
EF Touch is a tablet-administered assessment designed to measure children’s three key executive function skills: working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive flexibility. These functions are...
For many children in low-income countries, schools are danger zones and places to be feared. Policy makers, funders and implementers lack accurate information regarding the prevalence of...
In Malawi, a context where many students do not learn to read, we wanted a way to distinguish those who might struggle with reading acquisition regardless of instruction. Specifically, we wanted...
Chapter 7 of Edited Volume: Pouezevara, S. R. (Ed.) (2018). Cultivating dynamic educators: Case studies in teacher behavior change in Africa and Asia. (RTI Press Publication No. BK-0022-1809)....