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Cultivating Dynamic Educators [CIES 2019 Presentation]

September, 2019
This presentation introduces the panel of authors who presented at CIES 2019 about their chapter of the book.

2019 National Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA): English and Filipino, Grade 3 Findings Report

September, 2019
This study explores the extent to which mother-tongue-based multilingual education (MTB-MLE), as implemented at scale in the Philippines, is having an impact on students’ reading and writing...

2019 National Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA): English and Filipino, Grade 3 [Brief]

September, 2019
An overview of the results of a nationally-representative Early Grade Reading Study conducted in 2019 in the Philippines. The full report is available.

Quality Assurance Framework

"Break Time is Over!" - Forum/Community Theatre Drama Skit Script

August, 2019
Forum Theatre / Community Theatre Drama Skit Script titled "Break Time is Over!" created by USAID/Uganda's Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) as part of their Social and Behavior...

Tukomye Okutuntuza! Tekugunjula Posters

August, 2019
3 Corporal Punishment Posters from the USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity's (LARA) Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) campaign in Uganda.

Learning to Read: The Power of the 5T's

July, 2019
Learning to read is a critical foundational skill in the early grades. The Government of Uganda in partnership with the Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity funded by the United States...

All Children Reading - Cambodia Inclusive Education Community Mobilization Strategy

July, 2019
The purpose of the Inclusive Education Community Mobilization Strategy is to articulate ways in which the All Children Reading - Cambodia project can use its increasing experience supporting more...

Uganda/LARA: Journeys Monitoring and Support Supervision tool

June, 2019
This tool is used by school support actors (e.g., DEOS, DIS, MEOs, DIS, MIS, IS, CCTs, head teachers, project staff) to monitor and support implementation of Journeys for school staff and Journeys...

Learning to Read: The Power of the 5 T’s

June, 2019
Animated video developed by the Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity under RTI International describing the 5 Ts - Time, Teaching, Text, Tongue and Testing.
