This report shares the findings from a study of early grade reading skills and classroom practices in Mali which was conducted in three regions of Mali (Koulikoro, Sikasso and Ségou) in May 2015...
The Guide for Strengthening Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials was produced for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2015. It was...
Le Guide pour le renforcement de l’inclusion et de l’égalité des genres dans le matériel didactique et pédagogique a été réalisé pour l’Agence américaine pour le développement...
This article in AllAfrica (October 2016) describes the launch of the USAID and DfID cofinanced Malawi MERIT project, implemented with support from RTI International.
Published in the conference proceedings for E-Learn 2015 - October 19-22, 2015 (Kona, Hawaii). A version of this paper was also presented at the mobile learning conference in Helsinki, 2013....
This presentation was given at the 2015 Game Change Summit of the United Methodist Church in Nashville, TN. The presentation takes the audience along a journey of 2 different technology...
Current approaches to secondary school are producing high numbers of dropouts and low numbers of students well prepared for college and careers. Given global demand for better education quality...