What Works to Improve Numeracy at Scale: Initial Insights from Successful Large-Scale Early Grade Numeracy Programs

Improving learning outcomes at scale has always been difficult, which is why the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Learning at Scale Initiative(link is external) in 2019. The first phase of this activity, led by our team at RTI International, studied eight literacy programs from around the globe, producing findings highlighting the classroom ingredients, instructional supports, and system supports that are essential for improving early grade reading outcomes at scale. As a follow-on to this effort, we have recently embarked on a new study: Numeracy at Scale(link is external).

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New Toolkit Measures How Teachers and Caregivers Support Children’s Engagement in Learning

Anyone who has watched a child truly absorbed in what they are doing knows what a powerful driver for learning it can be. When a child is engaged, they go deeper in their learning, are self-motivated, and persist at tasks for longer. However, until now, no measurement tools have been available to assess how children are engaged in their learning in classrooms and homes.

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What We Learned at CIES 2023 

Each year, the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) gathers researchers and practitioners from around the world to provoke, engage, and inspire transformative ideas to improve education. This year, more than 30 RTI experts and practitioners shared research and evidence from work in more than 20 countries, contributing to discussions focusing on this year’s conference theme: Improving education for a more equitable world. 

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Reimagining Learning Spaces for the Future

Locally and around the globe, race, gender, religion, wealth, and disability are some of the recognized sources of inequity in education that make learners vulnerable. In a country like the Philippines, which is plagued by both natural and man-made disasters, learners’ vulnerabilities are magnified. These vulnerabilities have exacerbated in the last decade following Typhoon Haiyan, the series of earthquakes in Mindanao, and more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Philippine Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes that it is critical to address these vulnerabilities and ensure that quality education is accessible, equitable, and resilient.   

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Introducing the Self-Administered EGRA And EGMA (SA-EGRA/ SA-EGMA)

The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) was developed in 2006 to be a simple, low-cost, oral assessment of a child’s fundamental reading skills. Since its inception, EGRA has been used in over 70 countries and a multitude of languages to evaluate education systems and reading interventions. EGRA’s success also inspired the development of the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA).

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