Anatomy of a Read Liberia Coach

Read Liberia coaches provide support to primary teachers and principals to improve early grade reading instruction, but what makes a great coach? What skills, knowledge, and characteristics do they share? Here’s a look at the anatomy of a Read Liberia coach...

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Proposing Benchmarks for Early Grade Reading Skills in Liberia

Only a handful of developing countries have taken on the challenge of setting benchmarks for reading skills in early grades.  Mexico did so several years ago. And more recently Kenya and Egypt have defined benchmarks, with Kenya officially adopting a standard for oral reading fluency in both English and Kiswahili.  Liberia has the distinct advantage of having a bounty of data to inform the setting of reading skill benchmarks.  With assistance from USAID a workshop to address this question took place during the first week of March, 2014. 

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Improving children's reading in Liberia: results from the NORC impact evaluation of the Read Liberia Activity

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Read Liberia Activity is a five-year (2017–2022) program that supports the Liberian Ministry of Education (MOE) to improve reading skills for grade 1 and 2 Liberian students in 640 public schools and to develop emergent literacy skills for Liberian students in 60 public kindergarten schools.

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Increasing caregiver and community support for early grade reading: results from Read Liberia

Why Is Community Involvement Important in Schools?

When schools, caregivers, and communities work together to support children’s education, children tend to achieve higher academic results, have increased attendance and motivation, and be less likely to drop out of school. 
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Read Liberia recognizes that what occurs before and after the traditional school day is as impactful on the lives of learners as the teaching that occurs in the classroom.
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