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Assessment of Early Grade Reading in the Education Sector in Cambodia [Khmer]

July, 2015
The objective of this sector assessment activity is to identify strengths, weaknesses, and key leverage points to improve children’s reading outcomes within the institutional context of Cambodia’s...

Pro-poor PRIMR: Improving early literacy skills for children from low- income families in Kenya

July, 2015
Article published in Africa Education Review, Volume 12, 2015 - Issue 1. Published Abstract: Children from low-income families are at risk of learning outcome difficulties, particularly in...

Senegal Behavior Change Communication Research Baseline Report

July, 2015
To reinforce school-based education efforts, increased attention is being paid to what happens when children are not in school, especially when they are at home. This report presents the key...

Malawi Social and Behavior Change Communications Pilot: Baseline Report

July, 2015
The USAID-funded Early Grade Reading Activity has been active in 11 districts in Malawi, one of which, Ntcheu, has been selected for implementation of this pilot SBCC campaign. Having seen that...

What is the Cost of School-Related Gender-Based Violence?

July, 2015
Brief on the costs associated with school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) on a global scale.

EdData II Nigeria RARA: Research to Advance Education Access Brief

June, 2015
This brief discusses the Nigeria Reading and Access Research Activity and the research on education access conducted through the various desk studies, surveys, and evaluations as part of the activity.

Uganda School Health and Reading Program: Cluster 3 Baseline Brief Report

June, 2015
This brief discusses the data collected for Cluster 3 schools using the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) from 112 randomly selected government primary schools in 9 program districts in...

USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program: The Status of Early Grade Reading and Support to Primary School Teachers to Teach Reading in Uganda: Cluster 3 Baseline Report

June, 2015
This report summarizes the findings from a baseline assessment that was conducted in February and March, 2015 to determine the current status of reading achievement in the “Cluster 3” schools in...

The early grade reading assessment (EGRA): Its theoretical foundation, purpose, and limitations

June, 2015
Article published in the International Journal of Educational Development. Volume 40, January 2015, Pages 315–322. Published abstract: The rise and widespread adoption of the early grade reading...

Designing a program of teacher professional development to support beginning reading acquisition in coastal Kenya

June, 2015
Article published in the International Journal of Educational Development. Published abstract: "What should be considered when developing a literacy intervention that asks teachers to implement...
