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Language Complexity in the Philippines [CIES Presentation]

March, 2021
Presentation delivered at CIES.This study attempts to determine whether or not the complexity of the L1 should be a factor in interpreting reading achievement in multilingual contexts, as well as...

Tusomere Wamu Uganda Learning Campaign Toolkit

March, 2021
Tusomere Wamu Uganda Learning Campaign Toolkit

Tushomere Hamwe Runyankore Rukiga Flash Cards

March, 2021
Tushomere Hamwe Runyankore Rukiga Flash Cards

Runyankore Rukiga Story Cards

March, 2021
Runyankore Rukiga Story Cards

Tusomere Hamu Runyoro Rutooro Poster

March, 2021
Tusomere Hamu Runyoro Rutooro Poster

The Role of Mother Tongue Language Complexity in Determining L2 and L3 Reading Outcomes in the Philippines (USAID ACR Asia)

March, 2021
This study uses national Grade (G) 3 Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) data from 2013, when G3 students learned to read in Filipino and English rather than a mother tongue, and comparable data...

Tushomere Hamwe Runyankore Poster

March, 2021
Tushomere Hamwe Runyankore Rukiga Poster

Tusomere Wamu Luganda Flash Cards

March, 2021
Tusomere Wamu Luganda Flash Cards

Tusomere Wamu Luganda Poster

March, 2021
Tusomere Wamu Luganda Poster

Measuring Early Reading Achievement in the Philippines: How Data Can Support Policy-Making? (2019 National EGRA results)

February, 2021
This presentation describes results from the 2019 National EGRA study, comparing it to the same study that was done in 2013. It was presented at the International Mother Languages Conference and...
