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Small non-residential trainings vs. large residential training: Findings from action research in Uganda [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
The USAID-funded Uganda School Health and Reading Program (SHRP), implemented by RTI International, has been training teachers in Early Grade Reading (EGR) methods since early 2013. Up until 2018,...

Extending literacy beyond the classroom: youth groups and library partnerships for sustainability [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
Under the Tusome-Nakuru County Youth Bunge Forum (NCYBF), the program sought to engage the youth in improving early literacy skills among Grades 1-3 children in Nakuru County in Kenya. The Nakuru...

Benefits (and Costs) of improved data for tracking SDG4 [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
There is an abundance of research about the costs of measuring the SDGs. Institutions with the mandate to measure the SDGs are busy estimating costs and making plans to improve both reporting and...

Users, Functions & Findings: The evolution of Classroom Observation tools for literacy instruction in Uganda [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
In this CIES 2019 presentation, Rachel Jordan presents how Tangerine Tutor is used to conduct and improve upon classroom observations in the USAID Uganda School Health and Reading Program.

Instructional coaching and literacy improvement at national scale: Lessons from Kenya’s Tusome early grade reading activity [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
The Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity is USAID’s flagship education program in Kenya. This CIES 2019 presentation shares the findings from research currently in progress to analyze Tusome’s 2017...

A national study of over-enrollment and repetition in Primary 1 grade in Uganda: What's the role of pre-primary [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
In an optimally efficient education system, all children enroll and complete the primary cycle in a one year to one grade ratio, acquiring basic reading, math and critical thinking skills along...

Setting Reading Benchmarks - Evidence from India [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
This presentation is based on an activity that was designed to apply lessons learned and best practices from the recent EGRA Benchmarks and Standards Research Report (RTI International, 2018) to a...

Testing Two Approaches to Engaging Pre-Primary Parents in Kenya [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
The Tayari Program – Getting Children Ready for School is a Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) funded early education program in Kenya with a goal to increase school readiness skills of...

Scaling up Early Grade Reading in Uganda [CIES 2019 Presentations]

April, 2019
This panel shared presentations from Uganda government officials and development partners which are collaboratively engaged in the efforts to improve and assess EGR in Uganda’s primary schools....

What's Positive About Positive Schools: Lessons from Malawi and Uganda [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
RTI conducted a small pilot study in Malawi and Uganda to identify the factors in the organizational culture and environment of primary schools that make them more (or less) conducive to...
