Ministry of Education officials, district education officers, and a cross section of stakeholders attended this workshop over two days to begin Liberia’s first ever effort to define standards for...
The purpose of this pilot was two-fold: 1) examining the reliability of the group assessment tool to measure the construct of early grade reading; 2) determining whether or not the group...
The intent of this summary report is to engender broad-based policy discussions and recommendations around one question: Why are pupils struggling with English and mathematics in P3 and P6? It...
This report presents the findings from the 2013 administration of the Ghana National Education Assessment (NEA), carried out by the Assessment Services Unit (ASU) within the Ghana Education...
This report summarizes the findings from a baseline assessment that was conducted in February and March, 2014 to determine the current status of reading achievement in the “Cluster 2” schools in...
This report summarizes the findings from a baseline assessment that was conducted in February and March, 2014 to determine the current status of reading achievement in the “Cluster 2” schools in...
Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment, Education Management Efficiency Study, and Teacher Observation Study This is the final report for the Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment, Education...
The Early Grade Reading Barometer is an interactive dashboard that lets you: - SEE an overview of how well students are reading, the percentage of struggling readers, and how comprehension is...
In July 2013, the National Baseline Assessment for 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic)Using Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), and Snapshot of...