Jordan RAMP initiative midline survey- CIES 2018 presentation

Jordan RAMP, funded by USAID and UKAID, is a nationwide initiative of the Jordanian Ministry of Education (MoE) designed to improve the reading and mathematics skills of students in kindergarten 2 through grade 3 (K2–G3). RAMP, which is being carried out over five years (2015 to 2019), expects to deliver improved reading and mathematics instruction to all public school students in Jordan in grades K2–G3—about 400,000 students. This CIES 2018 presentation, given by Aarnout Brombacher, Senior Technical Advisor on the RAMP initiative, shares findings from the midline study of the project, which was conducted at the end of the 2016–2017 academic year (May 2017). The study included the EGRA and EGMA assessments as well as a range of teacher and pupil questionnaires.

How problem solving is being implemented by RAMP trained teachers- CIES 2018 presentation

This CIES 2018 presentation is an overview of findings from classroom observations of teachers implementing the Jordan RAMP initiative problem-solving technique in teaching early grade mathematics. The presentation was given by Aarnout Brombacher, RTI's Senior Technical Advisor for the Jordan RAMP initiative.

Measuring regional progress toward early grade reading and mathematics targets in a national application of LQAS as part of the RAMP Initiative in Jordan.

Presentation delivered at CIES 2017 (Atlanta). CIES Panel title: Measuring regional progress toward early grade reading and mathematics targets in a national application of LQAS as part of the RAMP Initiative in Jordan. RTI International (RTI) and its partners are implementing the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and United Kingdom’s Agency for International Development (UKAID) funded Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Initiative (RAMP). RAMP is a nationwide initiative of the Jordanian Ministry of Education (MoE) designed to improve the reading and mathematics skills of students in kindergarten 2 through grade 3 (K2–G3). RAMP, which will be carried out over five years, expects to deliver improved reading and mathematics instruction to all public school students in Jordan in grades K2–G3—about 400,000 students. Central to the RAMP approach is developing reflective practice at all levels of the education system. At the classroom level, teachers use screening and diagnostic tools developed by the initiative for reading and mathematics to gain a better sense of the developmental level(s) of the students in their class and in response, to use research based pedagogical approaches and materials to respond to these needs. At the national level the MoE uses biannual national surveys that include the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) to measure progress toward national benchmarks. RAMP is exploring the efficiency of the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) methodology in providing regional structures (Field Directorates) with regular information on the progress by schools and Field Directorates toward achieving the national benchmarks for early grade reading and mathematics. In addition, the LQAS based assessments will also contribute to the development of school reports. This panel will discuss the first national implementation of the LQAS based assessment conducted in May 2016 (Brombacher, 2016). The first presentation will provide background to the RAMP initiative, the centrality of reflective practice at all levels of the system to improving performance in early grade reading and mathematics, and the role that the LQAS based assessments will play in providing regional structures with the information that they need to monitor and support progress toward the national benchmarks. The second presentation will describe the development of the instruments used in the LQAS assessment activity, the implementation of the first national LQAS based assessment, the findings of the study, and a range of important lessons learned. The third and final presentation will describe the response of the MoE to the national implementation. The presentation will also deal with the anticipated institutionalization of the approach into the roles and responsibilities of the ministry supervisors. The panel contributes to the conference theme, “Problematizing (In)Equality: The Promise of Comparative and International Education”, as it examines the implementation of an efficient and cost-effective mechanism for national and regional education structures to identify the schools and regions that are in greatest need of support – allowing the structures to deploy limited resources in a cost effective way.

Early Primary Mathematics Education in Arab Countries of the Middle East and North Africa

MENA countries are facing significant challenges in providing access to quality education for children in the early grades. However, it is important to note that the situation in the MENA region is not so different from that in other regions of the Global South: quality and learning are not being achieved. In MENA countries, achievement in math is not only associated with the effectiveness of teaching and learning, but also with providing an equitable system of education for all children. This paper presents the state of mathematics education in the MENA region and suggests means to improve it according to the pertinent cultural and social context.

National Baseline Assessment for the 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) Using EGRA, EGMA, and SSME in Tanzania

In July 2013, the National Baseline Assessment for 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic)Using Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), and Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness (SSME) was initiated. The purpose of this assessment was to monitor the achievement levels of students in the early grades with regard to foundational skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Incentives to teach, incentives to read: A pilot of symbolic incentives for teachers and students in Jordan

Motivation is key to behavior change in teaching and learning processes. Motivated teachers are thought to be more likely to be willing to experiment with different instructional approaches in the classroom. Motivated students are hypothesized to put forth extra effort during learning activities. These assumptions posit that incentives, or rewards based on evidence of behavior change, may have a role to play in enhancing the motivation of teachers and students. This report presents findings from a short-term incentive pilot program conducted in one governorate in Jordan. During this pilot, students in treatment schools were offered a symbolic (non-monetary) incentive if they read at least 24 books at home over the 8-week implementation period. Teachers were offered a symbolic incentive if they received high scores from coaches during most (at least 50%) of their observed classroom lessons. This report presents findings from this pilot program.

Student Performance in Reading and Mathematics, Pedagogic Practice, and School Management in Jordan [Arabic version]

وفيما يتعلق بالأدوات التي تم استخدامها في هذا المشروع – مشروع المسح الوطني لتقييم القراءة والحساب للصفوف الأولى)إيجرا وإيجما( في الأردن – فقد تمت مواءمتها بشكل خاص لكي تتلاءم مع المنهاج الأردني، وذلك من خلال ورشة مواءمة ضمت متخصصين تربويين من وزارة التربية والتعليم ومن معهد تراينجل للأبحاث )أر.تي.آي إنترناشيونال() RTI )International الذين عملوا جنباً إلى جنب مع خبراء التعليم الأساسي ومعلمي القراءة والحساب المحليين ) الأردنيين( وذلك من اجل الخروج بتصاميم )نماذج( مختصرة لتقييم القراءة وتقييم الحساب في الصفوف الأولى، )إيجرا وإيجما( باستخدام مواد مناهج الصف الثاني والثالث. إضافة إلى تقديم تقييمات شفوية فردية للطلبة. وقد قام معهد أر.تي.أي إنترناشيونال ) RTI International( بالتعاون مع شريكه، دجاني للاستشارات، بإرسال فرق بحث لمقابلة مدراء المدارس والمعلمين، وكذلك لإجراء جرد لمصادر التعلم في المدارس والصفوف، ولملاحظة دروس الحساب والقراءة كجزء من المسح القائم لوصف مدى فعالية الإدارة المدرسية. في آذار 2012، بعد أسبوع من التدريب، قامت فرق البحث، والمكونة من فريق عمل شركة الدجاني للاستشارات والمتعاقدين وكذلك أفراد من العاملين في وزارة التربية والتعليم، بزيارة ما مجمله 156 من المدارس الابتدائية حول الأردن. وقد تم اختيار معلم للصف الثاني وآخر للصف الثالث بشكل عشوائي من كل مدرسة، وقد تم أيضا اختيار 10 طلبة بشكل عشوائي من هذه الصفوف لإجراء تقييم مهارات القراءة والحساب للصفوف الأولى )إيجرا وإيجما(، وكذلك إجراء مقابلات معهم للحديث حول تجربتهم في المدرسة. وقد تم اختيار 3120 طالباً للمشاركة في التقييمات والمقابلات. وبالفعل، تم مقابلة المعلمين الذين تم اختيارهم، كما قام أحد كبار المعلمين، في وجود أحد الباحثين، برصد أداء معلم الصف الثاني أثناء تقديمه لدرس القراءة ودرس الحساب. وقد قام الباحثون بعمل جرد لساحات المدرسة والغرف الصفية المختارة. وقد تم الانتهاء من جمع البيانات في نهاية أيار 2012.

Student Performance in Reading and Mathematics, Pedagogic Practice, and School Management in Jordan [English version]

To gain insight into both student facility with foundational skills and to better understand characteristics among Jordanian schools associated with this performance, USAID/Jordan, in partnership with the Jordan Ministry of Education (MOE), contracted with RTI International under the Education Data for Decision Making (EdData II) project to conduct the SSME, including the EGRA and EGMA, in a sample of primary schools in Jordan. The hope is that evidence-based information resulting from the survey can inform future education policy decisions, as needed. The instruments used in this project—the National Early Grade Literacy and Numeracy Survey in Jordan—were adapted specifically for the Jordanian context during an adaptation workshop with the Ministry of Education. RTI’s education specialists worked together with local Jordanian reading, math, and primary school experts and officials to design abbreviated versions of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), using curriculum materials for grades 2 and 3. In addition to administering individual oral assessments of students, RTI and its local partner, Dajani Consulting, sent research teams to interview School Principals and teachers, conduct inventories of school and classroom resources, and observe reading and math lessons as part of the SSME survey.

Iraq Education Surveys–MAHARAT Task 1: Analysis of Student Performance in Reading and Mathematics, Pedagogic Practice, and School Management (English version)

This analysis report was written to gain insight into both student facility with foundational skills and to better understand characteristics among Iraqi schools associated with this performance. In 2012, USAID/Iraq, in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MoED), contracted with RTI International under the Education Data for Decision Making (EdData II) project to conduct an EGRA, EGMA, and SSME in a sample of primary schools in Iraq.

Policy Brief on the National Early Grade Literacy and Numeracy Survey in Jordan: 2014/2015 Remedial Pilot Research Activity

This brief discusses Jordan's remedial pilot research program which was designed to assist teachers in improving the performance of those children who had fallen behind the general performance level of the rest of the class. The program focused on Arabic reading and mathematics in grades 1, 2, and 3. The rationale of the program is that children who are not performing at the general level of the class can benefit from additional instructional support that is aimed at their individual level of learning.
