Uganda/LARA : EGRA and supplementary data collection instruments

The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is a diagnostic instrument designed to quickly assess foundational skills for literacy acquisition of pupils in Early Grades of primary school. This diagnostic tool, whose content has been adapted for Uganda and Ugandan local languages, can include a number of subtasks depending on the grade being assessed. EGRA is administered to pupils both in their local language and in English via tablets using a software application (for example Tangerine) designed specifically to collect data on mobile devices. EGRA data can also be gathered manually using paper forms. Each instrument is administered by trained assessors in one-on-one sessions with individual pupils, and requires approximately fifteen minutes.
The sub tasks in the English EGRA tools used by LARA include letter sound knowledge, oral passage reading, reading comprehension and vocabulary. LARA administers the English sub-tasks mainly to the P3 and P4 pupils. The subtasks in the local language (Luganda, Runyankore/Rukiga and Runyoro/Rutooro) EGRA tools include orientation to print, letter sound knowledge, segmenting, oral passage reading, reading comprehension, and listening comprehension. Apart from orientation to print that is administered to only P1 pupils, the rest of the local language sub-tasks are administered to P1-P4 pupils. The EGRA tools are accompanied by a pupil stimuli packet used to administer the letter sound knowledge and oral passage reading sub tasks. The subtasks used by LARA were adopted from the EGRA tools developed for the School Health and Reading Program (SHRP). SHRP adapted and vetted the tools to the three languages during a series of weeklong workshops that included researchers, primary school teachers, language board members, Coordinating Center Tutors (CCTs) and MoES staff. The adaptation workshop for Luganda was held in December, 2012, Runyankore/Rukiga tools were adapted in January, 2013 and Runyoro/Rutooro tools were adapted in August 2013. The tools were also piloted in each of the three language areas during the workshops.
As part of EGRA data collection, LARA administers supplementary data collection tools to assess pupil context and instructional leadership. The tools also provide important contextual information on the teachers and schools participating in EGRA. These tools include; the pupil context interview, a head teacher interview, teacher interview and school inventory. The following provides a summary of each of the tool.
Pupil context interview: Used to gather information on pupils’ preschool attendance, language spoken at home, possessions in the household, and support for reading in the home.
Head Teacher Questionnaire: Used to gather information from head teachers regarding their instructional leadership, including their training and education background and their support to the teaching of reading at lower grades. Data from this instrument is used to inform training and targeted corrective actions intended to improve the managerial skills of head teachers and their support to the teaching of reading.
Teacher Questionnaire: Used to gather information on the teachers’ education and experience and demographics, support and supervision received, and the availability of teaching materials. The information provides the basis of training and the provision of teaching materials to teachers to help them improve their pedagogical skills.
School Inventory Form: Used to gather information on school basic infrastructure (for example water source, latrines and electricity) as well as the presence and use of a school library.