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Social and Behavior Change Communication to Increase Parental Engagement in Children's Reading Practice

March, 2018
The USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) undertook an assessment of an eight-week social and behavior change communication (SBCC) pilot campaign in the Ssekanyonyi...

Early Grade Reading (EGR) Time-on-Task Study Report

March, 2018
Education interventions and decisions should be justified. This time-on-task study is an example of gathering evidence with applicable tools to inform subsequent activities. The study was designed...

Increasing and Optimizing Time for Classroom Instruction in Early Grade Reading and Writing in Modern Standard Arabic

March, 2018
Since 2014, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) has worked closely with USAID to advance educational initiatives. The results from two major early grade-reading assessments and...

Early Grade Reading (EGR) Time-on-Task Study Report (Arabic)

March, 2018
Arabic version

P4 English Teacher's Guide Final

January, 2018
Primary 4 English Teacher's guide developed by National Curriculum Development Center with support from RTI through USAID and the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program. This and other...

Is ‘summer’ reading loss universal? Using ongoing literacy assessment in Malawi to estimate the loss from grade-transition breaks

December, 2017
Published abstract: "Summer learning loss – decreased academic performance following an extended school break, typically during the period after one grade ends and before another grade starts – is...

School Readiness Program Prepares Children for Grade One

November, 2017
Success story about a recent kindergarten initiative under USAID's Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Project to help children and parents prepare to enter school.

Endline report - Ethiopia Assistive Technology Initiative in Early Reading Classrooms

October, 2017
During 2016/2017, RTI implemented an assistive technology initiative to improve reading instruction in inclusive grade two public school classrooms in 63 schools in five regions of Ethiopia....

Significant improvements recorded in early grade students' performance

October, 2017
The following article from the Jordan Times describes positive results of the USAID and DFID co-funded RAMP program implemented by RTI in Jordan.

ACR-Asia: Research Report: Investing in Early Grade Reading in Lower and Middle-income Countries in Asia

October, 2017
USAID/Washington, via the All Children Reading (ACR)—Asia task order, commissioned RTI International to conduct research on whether lower and middle-income countries in Asia should invest in early...
