The US Agency for International Development (USAID)/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (herein referred to as the Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity or Activity) is...
GALA is an assessment tool for measuring early literacy skills in a group setting. It consists of two main components: student booklets with multiple choice questions and a tool providing...
In Malawi, a context where many students do not learn to read, we wanted a way to distinguish those who might struggle with reading acquisition regardless of instruction. Specifically, we wanted...
This article in The Economist cites RTI researcher Benjamin Piper, and an article he co-authored with RTI colleague Timothy Slade on summer learning loss in Malawi. "Benjamin Piper, of RTI...
Survey of Perceptions of School Climate: A positive school climate is friendly, inviting and supportive; pupils feel safe and are treated fairly, by their peers and the school staff. A school that...