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PhilEd Data II: Early Grade Reading Assessment Results: A cross-language look at MTB-MLE implementation in the Philippines

July, 2014
Following the study completed in 2013, measuring English, Filipino and Ilokano reading skills, this 2014 EGRA study is serves as a baseline for monitoring the government's Mother Tongue-Based...

Applying Lessons from Behavior Change Communications to the Design of an Intervention Promoting Family and Community Support for Learning to Read

July, 2014
This report discusses two overarching themes for the behavior change communication (BCC) activity under Education Data for Decision Making (EdData II), Task Order 20. We begin by presenting a...

Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Study

July, 2014
The purpose of this report is to provide data on children’s early grade reading skills as measured by the EGRA. In addition, we report information from an accompanying interview with children, the...

Indonesia 2014: The National Early Grade Reading Assessment and Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness Survey: Report of Findings

June, 2014
In partnership with the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC), the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID/Indonesia), RTI...

Proposing Benchmarks for Early Grade Reading Skills in Liberia

June, 2014
Ministry of Education officials, district education officers, and a cross section of stakeholders attended this workshop over two days to begin Liberia’s first ever effort to define standards for...

Ghana 2013 National Education Assessment-Technical Report

May, 2014
This report presents the findings from the 2013 administration of the Ghana National Education Assessment (NEA), carried out by the Assessment Services Unit (ASU) within the Ghana Education...

USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program: The Status of Early Grade Reading and Support to Primary School Teachers to Teach Reading in Uganda: Cluster 2 Baseline Report

May, 2014
This report summarizes the findings from a baseline assessment that was conducted in February and March, 2014 to determine the current status of reading achievement in the “Cluster 2” schools in...

Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment, Education Management Efficiency Study and Teacher Observation Study

April, 2014
Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment, Education Management Efficiency Study, and Teacher Observation Study This is the final report for the Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment, Education...

Teacher Professional Development and Support Systems: An Analys is of Seven Language Areas in Ethiopia (A READ TA Baseline Assessment Report)

April, 2014
Beginning in Spring 2013, MOE, in collaboration with READ TA, began the process of developing new reading curriculum and materials for MT reading in grades 1-8 by first reviewing and validating...

Early Grade Reading Barometer

April, 2014
The Early Grade Reading Barometer is an interactive dashboard that lets you: - SEE an overview of how well students are reading, the percentage of struggling readers, and how comprehension is...
