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Strengthening the Textbook Production Chain in Morocco: Study Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix B: A Review of the Domain of Electronic Textbooks

May, 2016
This is Part 3 of a four-part comprehensive evaluation of the public textbook procurement system in Morocco. It is an overview of the challenges and opportunities of school-based digital teaching...

Strengthening the Textbook Production Chain in Morocco: Study Conclusions and Recommendations Appendix C: A Cost-Effective Textbook Strategy

May, 2016
This is Part 4 of a four-part comprehensive evaluation of the public textbook procurement system in Morocco. This final section of the Strengthening the Textbook Production Chain in Morocco series...

Assessing the impact of language on pupil learning

April, 2016
This poster presented at the 2016 Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, explores the relationship between Language of Instruction on pupil...

MOOCs and online education: Exploring the potential for international educational development

March, 2016
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a relatively recent innovation with potential to provide access to relevant education and workforce training at scale. RTI previously studied MOOCs in the...

Zambia 2016 Grade 2 National Assessment Survey Implementation Plan

March, 2016
This implementation report was designed to assist the Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) by providing detailed instructions for carrying out the 2016 National Assessment Survey for Grade 2.

Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit: Second Edition

March, 2016
This toolkit is the product of ongoing collaboration among a large community of scholars, practitioners, government officials, and education development professionals to advance the cause of early...

Improving procedural and conceptual mathematics outcomes: evidence from a randomised controlled trial in Kenya

March, 2016
Article published in the Journal of Development Effectiveness, Volume 8, 2016 - Issue 3. Published Abstract: To improve learning outcomes, an intervention in Kenya called the Primary Math and...

2015 Nigeria Education Data Survey (NEDS) Education Profile

March, 2016
This document is based on the structure of previous education profiles that traditionally use Demographic and Household Survey (DHS) data to characterize children’s participation in primary and...

Using an Assessment of Early Mathematical Knowledge and Skills to Inform Policy and Practice: Examples from the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment

March, 2016
Article published in the International Journal of Education in Math, Science and Technology, Volume 4, Number 3. (Open Access). Published abstract: "This paper describes the development and...

Malawi National Reading Programme: Learner Book in English Standard 1

March, 2016
The United States Agency for International Development, the Department for International Development and the government of Malawi, through the MoEST, are collaborating to implement a National...
