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Results of the Social and Behavior Change Communication Campaign in Uganda to Eliminate Corporal Punishment in Schools Briefer 002

October, 2019
Briefer describing the Results of the Social and Behavior Change Communication Campaign in Uganda to Eliminate Corporal Punishment in Schools.

National Learning Symposium on Creating a Safe and Positive Learning Environment Action Pack

September, 2019
Action pack/brief from National Learning Symposium on Creating a Safe and Positive Learning Environment held in Kampala, Uganda on September 19 - 20, 2019.

2019 National Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA): English and Filipino, Grade 3 [Brief]

September, 2019
An overview of the results of a nationally-representative Early Grade Reading Study conducted in 2019 in the Philippines. The full report is available.

USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) Early Grade Reading Assessment EGRA Briefer 003

May, 2019
LARA is designed to improve outcomes for children through implementation of an early grade reading program and strengthened safe and supportive school environments.

Early Childhood Education: Considerations for Programming in Sustainability

February, 2019
Governance and financing of early childhood education (ECE) are complex, involving multiple actors, levels, objectives, and approaches, from general expansion of education access to targeted...

Early Childhood Education: Considerations for Programming in Educator Quality

February, 2019
Training opportunities and appropriate teacher curriculum are often insufficient, and effective regulatory frameworks for preparing, staffing, and monitoring ECE teachers are often lacking. This...

Early Childhood Education: Considerations for Programming in Approaches to Teaching and Learning

February, 2019
The quality of instruction in the classroom is key to children's learning and development. This brief looks at the dimensions of guided play, emergent literacy, emergent mathematics, and language...

Early Childhood Education: Considerations for Programming in Early Learning Assessment

February, 2019
Assessment of learning and the quality of early learning environments is an important component of early childhood education. This brief outlines the existing early learning assessments of...

Early Childhood Education: Considerations for Programming Overview

February, 2019
The purpose of this brief is to answer the question: What are the considerations for effective ECE programming in the Asia region? To answer, we focus on the quality and sustainability, including...

Journey to Self-Reliance: Case Study of Capacity Development in Cambodia

February, 2019
What conditions make it possible to accomplish significant capacity development without running any workshops, without requiring any explicit project deliverables, and with only three short-term...
