The traditional face-to-face (FTF) survey method cannot accommodate the privacy needed to mitigate the effect of social-desirability bias, particularly with the most sensitive topics such as...
Briefer: Final Early Grade Reading Assessment Results from the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program. This briefer compares English and local language reading fluency and comprehension...
Action pack/brief from National Learning Symposium on Creating a Safe and Positive Learning Environment held in Kampala, Uganda on September 19 - 20, 2019.
An overview of the results of a nationally-representative Early Grade Reading Study conducted in 2019 in the Philippines. The full report is available.
LARA is designed to improve outcomes for children through implementation of an early grade reading program and strengthened safe and supportive school environments.
Governance and financing of early childhood education (ECE) are complex, involving multiple actors, levels, objectives, and approaches, from general expansion of education access to targeted...
Training opportunities and appropriate teacher curriculum are often insufficient, and effective regulatory frameworks for preparing, staffing, and monitoring ECE teachers are often lacking. This...