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Using EGRA data for differentiated instruction: Learning profiles and instructional needs in Uganda

March, 2017
Presentation delivered at CIES2017 (Atlanta). A challenge of large-scale education research projects in international development is determining the most appropriate way to effectively report...

Universal Assessment and the Bottom of the Pyramid

March, 2017
While the SDGs now officially call for global reporting on learning outcomes, many institutions and scholars had noticed, at least since the mid-2000s, that many children were not learning much,...

Malawi National Reading Programme: Teacher's Guide in English Standard 4

March, 2017
The United States Agency for International Development, the Department for International Development and the government of Malawi, through the MoEST, are collaborating to implement a National...

Malawi National Reading Programme: Learner Book in English Standard 2

March, 2017
The United States Agency for International Development, the Department for International Development and the government of Malawi, through the MoEST, are collaborating to implement a National...

Malawi National Reading Programme: Learner Book in English Standard 3

March, 2017
The United States Agency for International Development, the Department for International Development and the government of Malawi, through the MoEST, are collaborating to implement a National...

Malawi National Reading Programme: Learner Book in English Standard 4

March, 2017
The United States Agency for International Development, the Department for International Development and the government of Malawi, through the MoEST, are collaborating to implement a National...

Malawi National Reading Programme: Learner's Book in Chichewa Standard 2

March, 2017
The United States Agency for International Development, the Department for International Development and the government of Malawi, through the MoEST, are collaborating to implement a National...

Malawi National Reading Programme: Learner's Book in Chichewa Standard 3

March, 2017
The United States Agency for International Development, the Department for International Development and the government of Malawi, through the MoEST, are collaborating to implement a National...

Modul IV: Praktik yang Baik di SMP/MTs – Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

March, 2017
Modul IV Menggali Praktik Baik di SMP / MTs - Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Modul ini mencakup Memahami Teks Berbasis Fakta, Mengajarkan Teks Berbasis Fakta, Memahami Teks Berbasis Fiksi,...

Journeys Toward Eliminating SRGBV in the Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (Presentation)

February, 2017
Presentation from Lauren Edwards at USAID's Dissemination of the Global Guidance on School-Related Gender-Based Violence.
