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Tukomye Okutuntuza! Tekugunjula IPC Talking Points

October, 2018
Interpersonal Communication Personnel Talking Points created by USAID/Uganda's Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) as part of their Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)...

Kristen Layton Presentation on Eye Health Initiatives

September, 2018
Presentation by Kristen Layton, Director, Strategy, Innovation and Learning Unit, Perkins International. Delivered at the RTI Panel Discussion "Vision and Hearing Screening in LMICs: Challenges...

Marilyn Sass-Lehrer Presentation on Early ID Intervention of Deaf Children

September, 2018
Presentation by Marilyn Sass-Lehrer, Ph.D., Early Intervention and Deaf Education Specialist, Professor Emerita, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC. Delivered at the RTI Panel Discussion "Vision...

Carmen Strigel Presentation on RTI Screening Technology Experiences

September, 2018
Presentation by Carmen Strigel, Director, Technology for Education and Training, RTI International. Delivered at the RTI Panel Discussion "Vision and Hearing Screening in LMICs: Challenges and...

One-page Brief on Electronic Vision and Hearing Screening Applications

September, 2018
Peek Acuity and hearScreen® are mobile, electronic screening tools that provide data on vision and hearing impairments. The tools were designed to be administered in schools and classrooms so that...

One Page Brief on CurrantMobile

September, 2018

One Page Brief on Tangerine:Class

September, 2018
Tangerine:Class is easy-to-use software that assists teachers to systematically collect, analyze, and use students’ results from continuous curriculum-based assessments to inform instructional...

One Page Brief on Group-Administered Literacy Assessment (GALA)

September, 2018
GALA is an assessment tool for measuring early literacy skills in a group setting. It consists of two main components: student booklets with multiple choice questions and a tool providing...

One Page Brief on Braille and Sign Language Assessment

September, 2018
Quality inclusive education for children with disabilities is now a requirement in development work. However, many governments struggle not only with how to strengthen and adapt instruction to...

One-page Brief on Social and Emotional Learning Assessment Tools

September, 2018
Students’ experiences of school life play an important role in their ability to benefit from their education. When children feel safe and welcome at school, are encouraged in the classroom and...
