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Read Liberia: Student Book Activity Part 2.

December, 2018
This publication covers topic such as reading and arts.

Benchmarks for Early Grade Reading Skills in West Bank Policy Brief

November, 2018
The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE) conducted the first EGRA assessment in the West Bank in March 2014 among a nationally representative sample of Grade 2 students, followed by...

Tayari At A Glance

October, 2018
This "At A Glance" guide presents an overview of the Kenya Tayari program in Kenya. This four year program has supported the Kenyan Ministry of Education and County Governments to improve quality...

West Bank: Review of MOEHE Early Grade Reading Curriculum

August, 2018
This report is part of EGR’s contractual task C.5.1.2: Updated National Standards for Early Grade Reading and Writing Adopted. The review of standards with recommendations for future revisions...

Top Management Seminar on EGR

August, 2018
For use during the USAID/LARA National Stakeholders Conference (July 17-19, 2018). In December 2018, LARA and SHRP together with GPE and Build Africa supported MoES BE department to plan and...

Long summer holidays are bad for children, especially the poor [The Economist]

August, 2018
This article in The Economist cites RTI researcher Benjamin Piper, and an article he co-authored with RTI colleague Timothy Slade on summer learning loss in Malawi. "Benjamin Piper, of RTI...

EGR Book Leveling Tool

July, 2018
EGR developed the EGR book leveling tool in cooperation with the personnel from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE). In early March 2018, EGR formed the materials development...

Formative Assessment of Reading Behavior in Early Grade Reading Program Communities

June, 2018
The purpose of this formative assessment is to contribute to the community outreach component of the EGR program by collecting and analysing information about target audiences, specifically their...

Effectiveness of Teachers’ Guides in the Global South: Scripting, Learning Outcomes, and Classroom Utilization

May, 2018
This report presents the results of RTI International Education’s study on teachers' guides across 13 countries and 19 projects. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we examine how...

Insights about how cultural differences condition student response on a survey of student perception of school climate- CIES 2018 Presentation

March, 2018
CIES 2018 Presentation, given by Peter Muyingo. Education programming worldwide is beginning to include dedicated activities to support a positive school culture. There is evidence, mostly from...
