This invited presentation was delivered for the workshop on best practices in education and protection in early childhood (l'éducation et la protection de la petite enfance [EPPE]) organized by...
Étude sur les habitudes de consommation de livres pour enfants au Sénégal : Rapport des résultats. The Survey on Children's Books Consumer Habits in Senegal seeks to provide detailed information...
Full report in French, with English executive summary. This study was undertaken for the Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous (RELIT) program in Senegal, an activity made possible by the...
In French, with an English Executive Summary. Senegal is embarking on an ambitious reform program with the objective of improving learning outcomes for all students by more systematically using...
In French, with English Executive Summary. This report on gender equity and inclusion of children with disabilities is part of the Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous (RELIT) program...
The attached document is the French-adapted Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Toolkit, Second Edition. It is the product of ongoing collaboration among a large community of scholars,...
L’objectif de l’étude est d’avoir une évaluation de référence des compétences en lecture et en mathématiques des élèves de 3e et 5e années d’école primaire en République démocratique du Congo...
Ce rapport est axé sur les leçons pratiques tirées de la mise en oeuvre de ces évaluations qui pourraient s’avérer utiles pour d’autres évaluations en RDC et ailleurs.
From July to October, 2016, an in-depth situation analysis in Morocco of the education of children with disabilities—in particular those with vision and hearing disabilities—and the associated...