In French, with an English Executive Summary. Senegal is embarking on an ambitious reform program with the objective of improving learning
outcomes for all students by more systematically using regional mother tongues as bridges to
proficient literacy in French. The Renforcement de la Lecture Initiale pour Tous (RELIT) activity made possible by the American people through USAID is supporting the
National Education Ministry (MEN) in the development of the materials, pedagogy, assessments, and teacher training needed to implement the MOHEBS.
The institutional capacity development elements of RELIT are by design meant to complement
these other interventions. RELIT is approaching institutional capacity in terms of the knowledge
and skills of actors in key positions at each level of the system, but more importantly also in
terms of how those levels relate to each other and the institutional environments within which all
the concerned actors operate. This relates to how their jobs are defined, how their
responsibilities are assigned and resourced, and what explicit or tacit incentives or disincentives
they encounter in the day-to-day fulfillment of those responsibilities. Additionally, RELIT
recognized from the beginning that investments to improve institutional capacity are dependent
on the engagement and willingness of the actors involved to identify their needs and, on the
basis of those needs, jointly plan with RELIT the actions that will best address them. Therefore,
RELIT has taken the participatory approach described below to assessing and addressing
institutional capacity development needs in the education system in Senegal. This report describes the result of institutional capacity self-assessment activities in the regions involved in RELIT.