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Safe Learning Environments for Reading: A Qualitative Study of Primary Schools Reading Environments in Malawi

September, 2018
In February 2017, MERIT conducted a baseline study in a randomized sample of 86 government primary schools. This study, the National Assessment of School Inclusion and Safety (NASIS), was designed...

Short Message Service (SMS)–Based Remote Support and Teacher Retention of Training Gains in Malawi

September, 2018
Chapter 5 of the book Cultivating Dynamic Educators: Case Studies in Teacher Behavior Change in Africa and Asia. This chapter critically reviews the design, implementation, and evaluation of an...

Long summer holidays are bad for children, especially the poor [The Economist]

August, 2018
This article in The Economist cites RTI researcher Benjamin Piper, and an article he co-authored with RTI colleague Timothy Slade on summer learning loss in Malawi. "Benjamin Piper, of RTI...

West Bank: Review of MOEHE Early Grade Reading Curriculum

August, 2018
This report is part of EGR’s contractual task C.5.1.2: Updated National Standards for Early Grade Reading and Writing Adopted. The review of standards with recommendations for future revisions...

Reading Symposium Information Pack

August, 2018
This information pack is based on the data pack developed and used by the MoES, UKAID and Cambride Education for their design confultation workshop held in April 2018. Many of the slides here were...

Top Management Seminar on EGR

August, 2018
For use during the USAID/LARA National Stakeholders Conference (July 17-19, 2018). In December 2018, LARA and SHRP together with GPE and Build Africa supported MoES BE department to plan and...

Uganda LARA: Journeys Impact Quantitative Assessment instruments

August, 2018
Survey of Perceptions of School Climate: A positive school climate is friendly, inviting and supportive; pupils feel safe and are treated fairly, by their peers and the school staff. A school that...

Early Mathematics Counts: Promising Instructional Strategies for Low- and Middle- Income Countries

July, 2018
This paper examines common instructional strategies in early grade mathematics interventions through a review of studies in classrooms in low- and middle-income countries. Twenty-four studies met...

Early Mathematics Counts: Promising Instructional Strategies for Low- and Middle- Income Countries

July, 2018
There is a large body of evidence substantiating the importance of mathematical literacy and the key role of foundational mathematics in early years of education on later academic outcomes (Duncan...

EGR Book Leveling Tool

July, 2018
EGR developed the EGR book leveling tool in cooperation with the personnel from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE). In early March 2018, EGR formed the materials development...
