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Persistence of pre-primary programs in Kenya: Evaluating how Tayari's program impacts change over time and into primary school- CIES 2018 Presentation

March, 2018
CIES 2018 Presentation, given by Ben Piper. While there has been recent evidence pointing to the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of pre-primary interventions, there remains little known about how...

Attitudes on gender norms in the school and home in Uganda- CIES 2018 Presentation

March, 2018
CIES 2018 Presentation, given by Elizabeth Randolph. The different expectations that are held for boys and girls related to obtaining an education and performing in school can differentially...

The intersection of violence and social and emotional learning: implications for equity- CIES 2018 Presentation

March, 2018
CIES 2018 Presentation, given by Elizabeth Randolph. This presentation explores the role that students’ perceptions about school life, social and emotional skills, and agency play in mediating...

Instructional models in early mathematics: Can the "I do, we do, you do" model support the development of mathematical thinking? CIES 2018 Presentation

March, 2018
CIES 2018 Presentation, given by Yasmin Sitabkhan. The purpose of this presentation is to explore the applicability of the direct instruction (DI) model (also known as the “I do, We do, You do”...

Mobile resources to promote teacher efficacy in teaching children with disabilities in Ethiopia- CIES 2018 Presentation

March, 2018
CIES 2018 Presentation, given by Carmen Strigel. Under the USAID-funded READ TA project in Ethiopia, RTI, in collaboration with the Ethiopia Ministry of Education and partners, implemented an...

Enhancing pre-service teacher education in Uganda to sustain early grade reading initiatives- CIES 2018 Presentation

March, 2018
CIES 2018 Presentation, given by Scholastica Tiguryera. While in-service training is an essential component of early grade reading (EGR) projects, it only addresses the current force of teachers...

Understanding pre-primary quality in Tanzania: Data from the MELQO study- CIES 2018 Presentation

March, 2018
CIES 2018 Presentation, given by Tara Weatherholt. A current challenge in the equitable access to quality pre-primary education for young children is the current lack of relevant and reliable data...

Moving the needle on reading achievement in Uganda

March, 2018
This brief presents Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) data from a randomized control trial conducted in conjunction with the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program (SHRP). SHRP...

Social and Behavior Change Communication to Increase Parental Engagement in Children's Reading Practice

March, 2018
The USAID/Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) undertook an assessment of an eight-week social and behavior change communication (SBCC) pilot campaign in the Ssekanyonyi...

Early Grade Reading (EGR) Time-on-Task Study Report

March, 2018
Education interventions and decisions should be justified. This time-on-task study is an example of gathering evidence with applicable tools to inform subsequent activities. The study was designed...
