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Endline report - Ethiopia Assistive Technology Initiative in Early Reading Classrooms

October, 2017
During 2016/2017, RTI implemented an assistive technology initiative to improve reading instruction in inclusive grade two public school classrooms in 63 schools in five regions of Ethiopia....

Protection of children from all forms of violence including corporal punishment [Ministry circular]

October, 2017
This circular from the Uganda Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) describes a new mandatory requirement under the "National Strategy and Action Plan on Violence Against Children in Schools...

Significant improvements recorded in early grade students' performance

October, 2017
The following article from the Jordan Times describes positive results of the USAID and DFID co-funded RAMP program implemented by RTI in Jordan.

Principles for Digital Development - Tangerine: Mobile Assessments Made Easy

October, 2017
This case study was selected by the Digital Principles for Development as a model illustrating the principles of "design with the user in mind" and "be data driven".

Asia-adapted: A Guide for Strengthening Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials

October, 2017
The Guide for Strengthening Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials in Asia was produced for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2017....

ACR-Asia: Research Report: Investing in Early Grade Reading in Lower and Middle-income Countries in Asia

October, 2017
USAID/Washington, via the All Children Reading (ACR)—Asia task order, commissioned RTI International to conduct research on whether lower and middle-income countries in Asia should invest in early...

Assessment on Education of Students with Disabilities in Jordan: Final Report

October, 2017
Through the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Research Triangle Institute (RTI) is implementing the Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Initiative (RAMP)...

Boys are Not Defective [The Atlantic]

September, 2017
This article appearing in "The Atlantic" cites findings from an RTI study in Jordan on boys' underachievement in early reading and math.

Cambodia Teacher Professional Development Policy Brief Options

September, 2017
Cambodia’s teacher professional development (PD) system is at a crossroads. There is a growing realization that the lower than expected learning outcomes in Cambodia are directly related to lower...

USAID PRIORITAS Final Project Report, Volume I: Main Report

September, 2017
The USAID PRIORITAS project began in May 2012 with the aim of achieving expanded access to improved quality basic education (IR1). The intermediate results (IRs) that the project aimed to achieve...
