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Creating Learning Spaces for the Future of Filipino Early Grade in 2040:The Past, The Present and the Future [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
This presentation was delivered as part of the 2022 Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) conference as part of a panel describing the Education Futures research activity...

Building an Assessment of Community Defined Social-Emotional Competencies from the Ground Up - A Tanzanian Example

April, 2022
Most of the research that informs our understanding of children’s social-emotional learning (SEL) comes from Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic (WEIRD) societies where behavior is...

Principles for adapting playful pedagogies to context [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
Efforts to promote playful pedagogies in low- and middle-income countries face many challenges. Among these challenges are the norms of teacher-child interaction that have a strong cultural basis....

Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Guide

April, 2022
The Early Grades Reading and Mathematics Initiative (RAMP) attaches great importance to the quality of data related to the initiative’s activities, both in terms of... Relating to data of trainees...

Agent-based modeling: Understanding influence of teacher-student interactions on learning and equity [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
“Agent based modeling: A method for understanding individual, social, and environmental influences on learning and equality in the classroom.” Learning science in the past decade has provided...

Social Network Analysis Methods for Higher Education Development [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
Social network analysis methods for international development: Applications in higher education development. Social Network Analysis (SNA) is a promising yet underutilized tool in the...

Standard Operating Procedures: SOPs Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Guide

April, 2022
The Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Initiative (RAMP) has a great interest in the quality of the data related to the initiative’s activities, whether in term of the trainees’ data (teachers,...

Collaborating For Sustainable Teacher Development in the Early Primary Grades [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
Description of collaborative process used ensure coherence and alignment of curricular content of preservice teacher preparation and in-service teacher professional development.

Linking EGRA and GALA for Sustainable Benchmarking [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
Prior Early Grade Reading Assessments (EGRA) have been used to set reading fluency benchmarks in Tanzania for USAID report and for the Government of Tanzania (GoT). Since the EGRA requires...

Comprehensive Rapid Literacy Assessment [CIES Presentation]

April, 2022
The CRLA was initially conceived as a 5-minute start-up reading assessment designed to help teachers quickly determine the reading profiles of their G1-G3 learners, and develop appropriate reading...
