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EdData II Nigeria RARA: Research to Advance Education Access Brief

June, 2015
This brief discusses the Nigeria Reading and Access Research Activity and the research on education access conducted through the various desk studies, surveys, and evaluations as part of the activity.

USAID Uganda SHRP IEP Manual

June, 2015
This manual guides teachers through the process of designing and using Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for learners with specific learning needs.

USAID Uganda SHRP Special Needs Support Manual

June, 2015
This manual guides teachers through identifying and supporting learners with Special Educational Needs in inclusive classrooms.

A Guide for Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials [Presentation]

March, 2015
This presentation discusses the Guide for Promoting Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials. The presentation was given on March 10, 2015 in Washington, DC at CIES.

Imagining Humanist Language Policy: Best Practices and Practical Steps for Improving Learning

March, 2015
This presentation was presented by Alison Pflepsen and USAID to provide information about a recently developed resource of use to those working to improve reading and learning outcomes. The...

Effective Teaching and Education Policy in 11 Sub-Saharan African Countries (Presentation)

March, 2015
This presentation was prepared for the Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference held in Washington, D.C. on 10 March, 2015. The presentation looks at teachers and teaching...

Buku Sumber untuk Dosen LPTK: Pembelajaran Literasi SD di LPTK

March, 2015
Buku ini berisi materi literasi di sekolah dasar, tetapi juga berisi ide-ide tentang bagaimana dosen dapat menggunakannya dalam kuliah. Ide-ide praktis dilengkapi dengan referensi teori terbaru,...

Nigeria Hausa Pupils book, Grade 2

January, 2015
This early grade reading material is made possible through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Nigeria Reading and Access Research Activity (EdData Task Order...

Nigeria Reading and Access Research Activity: Story Read Aloud for Primary 2

January, 2015
This early grade reading material is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the Nigeria Reading and Access...

Report on Language of Instruction in Senegal

January, 2015
This report summarizes applicable research on education in multilingual contexts and on the use of L1-based, bilingual instruction in particular. It also briefly presents the education and...
