Primary 2 Lusoga Teacher's Guide developed by National Curriculum Development Center with support from RTI through USAID and the USAID/Uganda School Health and Reading Program. This and other...
The Guide for Strengthening Gender Equality and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials was produced for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2015. It was...
Le Guide pour le renforcement de l’inclusion et de l’égalité des genres dans le matériel didactique et pédagogique a été réalisé pour l’Agence américaine pour le développement...
This article in AllAfrica (October 2016) describes the launch of the USAID and DfID cofinanced Malawi MERIT project, implemented with support from RTI International.
This document was designed as a practical response to requests from USAID’s Africa Missions, which have increasingly indicated their need for more guidance on the role of language of instruction...
This report addresses the main research question: In Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 schools, were the pupils who participated in the United States Agency for International Development’s Liberia Teacher...
This report, which is broadly tasked with presenting evidence on the state of teacher effectiveness in sub-Saharan Africa, represents an attempt to bridge the gap between what has hitherto been a...
A video overview of the Nigeria Reading and Access Research Activity (RARA) approach to teaching reading in Hausa. Narrated in Hausa with English subtitles.
The objective of this sector assessment activity is to identify strengths, weaknesses, and key leverage points to improve children’s reading outcomes within the institutional context of Cambodia’s...
The objective of this sector assessment activity is to identify strengths, weaknesses, and key leverage points to improve children’s reading outcomes within the institutional context of Cambodia’s...