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Using radio to promote learning in Liberia during COVID-19

June, 2022
Liberian public schools closed in March 2020, and the MOE Teach by Radio program ran from March 30 through June 30, 2020. Drawing upon its existing materials, Read Liberia developed and recorded a...

Integrating inclusion and equity into programming: lessons from Read Liberia

June, 2022
In its programs, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) attempts to address inclusion and equality issues that are not limited to education but that relate to all...

Sustaining and Extending Reading Improvements in Liberia

June, 2022
Read Liberia has had considerable positive impact on students’ reading performance. This success story outlines the key activities Read Liberia has undertaken with the MOE to sustain EGR results...

Why Benchmarks Matter

June, 2022
Setting benchmarks or standards that clearly state expectations about how well students or teachers should be performing on various skills at each stage of education and then collecting data to...

Read Liberia: Institutionalization of the DEMA-GALA

June, 2022
It is essential that the Government of Liberia has the skills and resources to monitor and assess their schools, students, and teachers as part of an evidenced-based education system on the road...

Promoting social and emotional learning during school closures: lessons from Read Liberia

June, 2022
How to effectively promote SEL development among children and their parents during school closures was a challenge for Read Liberia and implementing partners across the world. Read this brief to...

What Works to Improve Learning at Scale? Key Findings from Learning at Scale and the Kenya Tusome Early Grade Reading Activity

May, 2022
This brief presents findings on what worked to improve learning outcomes at scale under 8 successful early grade literacy programs, with a focus on findings from the Tusome program in Kenya.1...

Instructional Support for Effective Large-Scale Reading Interventions (Learning at Scale)

January, 2022
Learning outcomes are low and instruction is poor in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These shortcomings are particularly concerning given the substantial learning loss due to...

Instructional Practices for Effective Large-Scale Reading Interventions (Learning at Scale)

January, 2022
The Learning at Scale study aimed to investigate factors contributing to successful improvements in learning outcomes at scale in eight of the most effective large-scale education programs in...

System Supports for Effective Large-Scale Reading Interventions (Learning at Scale)

January, 2022
Learning outcomes are low and instruction is poor in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These shortcomings are particularly concerning given the substantial learning loss due to...
