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Senegal-Bilingual Education: An “irreversible option” Context, Pedagogy, and Communication [CIES 2024 Presentation]

March, 2024
This presentation delivered at the CIES 2024 conference in Miami describes the bilingual reforms in Senegal and how they are supported through local language specialists (via the local...

Reflections on promoting Nurturing Care as a cultural outsider​ [CIES 2024 Presentation]

March, 2024
The rise in popularity of the Nurturing Care Framework, which describes the enabling conditions for a child to thrive in the first several years of life, has resulted in an increase in global...

Uncovering Risks During Compounded Crises [CIES 2024]

March, 2024
The presentation summarizes findings from the Rapid Education Risk Analysis for Lebanon

Survey of Children's Book Purchasing Habits in Senegal: Findings Report

February, 2024
Étude sur les habitudes de consommation de livres pour enfants au Sénégal : Rapport des résultats. The Survey on Children's Books Consumer Habits in Senegal seeks to provide detailed information...

UEEP Inclusive Education Study

February, 2024
The Inclusive Education Study explored the status of, drivers of, and barriers to inclusive education in Uzbekistan, particularly as they pertain to students with disabilities. The study...

UEEP Success Story #11: From Traditional Lecture-Style Teaching Approach to The New Student-Centered Approach in Uzbekistan (UEEP)

January, 2024
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), together with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, launched the Uzbekistan Education for Excellence...

Improving Learning Outcomes for the Philippines - Strengthening performance management: Case studies and key insights

January, 2024
Taken together, the case studies in this Report highlight the core components of an effective performance and accountability framework – a comprehensive system to optimize individual and...

UEEP Success Story #10: Transforming Education, Transforming Lives in Uzbekistan (UEEP)

January, 2024
Primary school teachers were offered professional development training through the Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The...

Что необходимо знать Руководителям системы образования?

December, 2023
Повышение уровня базовой грамотности и навыков счета требует изменений в повседневной практике преподавания. Структурированные педагогические программы эффективны в тех случаях, когда учителя...

Повышение квалификации учителей: обучение учителей

December, 2023
После разработки руководства для учителя и учебников для учащихся, следующим шагом является подготовить учителей использовать предлагаемые новые материалы в своих классах. Этого можно достичь...
