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EGRA Lusoga Pupil Stimulus

October, 2015
The attached document is the pupil stimulus in Lusoga used in an EGRA administered in Uganda in October 2015.

Ghana Teacher Questionnaire

June, 2015
Under the USAID Partnership for Education: Testing activity, a teacher questionnaire was introduced to the 2015 national EGRA/EGMA survey in Ghana. This was in response to the 2013 EGRA/EGMA pupil...

Indonesia 2014 EGRA and SSME Instruments

June, 2014
Indonesia 2014: The National Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) and Snapshot of School Management Effectiveness (SSME) Survey Instruments

Core Early Grades Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) Instrument

March, 2014
Core EGMA instrument in English

Uganda/LARA : EGRA and supplementary data collection instruments

December, 2012
The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is a diagnostic instrument designed to quickly assess foundational skills for literacy acquisition of pupils in Early Grades of primary school. This...
