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Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment, Education Management Efficiency Study and Teacher Observation Study

April, 2014
Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment, Education Management Efficiency Study, and Teacher Observation Study This is the final report for the Nepal Early Grade Reading Assessment, Education...

Teacher Professional Development and Support Systems: An Analys is of Seven Language Areas in Ethiopia (A READ TA Baseline Assessment Report)

April, 2014
Beginning in Spring 2013, MOE, in collaboration with READ TA, began the process of developing new reading curriculum and materials for MT reading in grades 1-8 by first reviewing and validating...

Early Grade Reading Barometer

April, 2014
The Early Grade Reading Barometer is an interactive dashboard that lets you: - SEE an overview of how well students are reading, the percentage of struggling readers, and how comprehension is...

National Baseline Assessment for the 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) Using EGRA, EGMA, and SSME in Tanzania

March, 2014
In July 2013, the National Baseline Assessment for 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic)Using Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), and Snapshot of...

National Baseline Assessment for 3Rs (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic) in Tanzania (Summary Brief)

March, 2014
Reading, writing, and arithmetic are the focus of the 3Rs campaign, a derivative of the Big Results Now initiative enacted by the Government of Tanzania in 2013. As one of the six focal areas...

Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) Toolkit

March, 2014
The EGMA Toolkit provides detailed information about the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment. The first chapter provides an introduction to the instrument and summarizes the purposes of the...

Core Early Grades Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) Instrument

March, 2014
Core EGMA instrument in English

EGMA Toolkit en Español

March, 2014
La Evaluación de Matemáticas en los Primeros Grados (EGMA) Toolkit

Brief Guidance on Gender and Inclusiveness in Teaching and Learning Materials

February, 2014
Teaching and learning materials are powerful role models for children, because the images and language with which children interact can impact their understanding of the world. Therefore, it is...

Policy Brief on the National Early Grade Literacy and Numeracy Survey in Jordan: 2013/2014 Intervention Pilot Program

February, 2014
This brief discusses an intervention in Jordan which was developed following the 2012 EGRA and EGMA revealed that Jordanian children in the early grades were not reading with comprehension or...
