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Using the GPF to create mathematics student standards in Uzbekistan [CIES 2023 Presentation]

February, 2023
To support the Ministry of Public Education (MoPE) in achieving its reform agenda, USAID initiated the Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program (UEEP) to improve the quality of education and...

Jordan reflective approach builds a more resilient education system [CIES 2023 Presentation]

February, 2023
The USAID-FCDO Jordan Early Grades Reading & Mathematics Initiative (RAMP) started in 2015 with the goal to improve Kg-Gr.3 students reading and mathematics skills through improving curriculum...

Developing school-level instruments for better understanding effective numeracy instruction at scale [CIES 2023 Presentation]

February, 2023
While there has been substantial investment in early-grade reading in low- and middle-income country contexts (LMICs) in the last 15 years, and a concomitant increase in evidence around what works...

The mathematical knowledge for teaching survey [CIES 2023 Presentation]

February, 2023
The Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching (MKT) is a short survey (23 items) that measures primary grade teacher knowledge by a) math domains and b) pedagogical and content knowledge. Math domain...

Using teaching and learning materials in Uzbekistan: Lessons from observations and interviews [CIES 2023 Presentation]

February, 2023
The purpose of this panel presentation is to present the results of two uptake studies to understand how mathematics, Uzbek language arts, ICT, and EFL teachers in Uzbekistan are using and...

Report of Self-Administered EGRA/EGMA Pilot (Ghana, English)

December, 2022
This report summarizes the findings of an effort to develop and validate tablet-based, self-administered assessments of English-language foundational literacy and numeracy in the early grades. The...

UEEP Success Story #6: Early Grade Teacher Co-Authors New Uzbek Language Arts Textbooks (UEEP)

September, 2022
This success story highlight the experience of one Uzbek Language Arts teacher in supporting the development of new reading materials for grades 1-4 learners. When she started working on the...

UzbekistanEducationforExcellenceProgram: Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Assessment Baseline Report

June, 2022
To evaluate the impact of the Program’s reading and mathematics components, baseline Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Assessments (EGRA and EGMA, respectively) were conducted in November and...

A Guide to Using the Inquiry Board to Calculate the Directorate of Education’s Indicators Related to the Early Grades Dashboard in the Educational Supervision System

January, 2022
A Guide to Using the Inquiry Board to Calculate the Directorate of Education’s Indicators Related to the Early Grades Dashboard in the Educational Supervision System

A Guide to Using the Private Electronic Educational Supervision System for Early Grades in Jordan.

January, 2022
A guide to using the private electronic educational supervision system for early grades in Jordan. The Reading Arithmetic with Understanding and Arithmetic for the Early Grades (RAMP) initiative...
