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Jordan School's Guide for Parental Engagement Study

January, 2023
Jordan's RAMP initiative, funded by USAID and UKAID, conducted an evaluation study of a pilot project that aimed to implement the 'School's Guide for Parental Engagement in Supporting their...

Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Guide

April, 2022
The Early Grades Reading and Mathematics Initiative (RAMP) attaches great importance to the quality of data related to the initiative’s activities, both in terms of... Relating to data of trainees...

Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) Guide

March, 2022
The LQAS methodology has a number of objectives in the education sector, including: Holding schools greater accountability; Increasing implementation fidelity and credibility; Identifying schools...

RAMP Field Directorates Indicators Guide Community Mobilization Tool

January, 2022
RAMP Field Directorates Indicators Guide Community Mobilization Tool.

A Guide to Using the Private Electronic Educational Supervision System for Early Grades in Jordan.

January, 2022
A guide to using the private electronic educational supervision system for early grades in Jordan. The Reading Arithmetic with Understanding and Arithmetic for the Early Grades (RAMP) initiative...

A Guide to Using the Inquiry Board to Calculate the Directorate of Education’s Indicators Related to the Early Grades Dashboard in the Educational Supervision System

January, 2022
A Guide to Using the Inquiry Board to Calculate the Directorate of Education’s Indicators Related to the Early Grades Dashboard in the Educational Supervision System

Guide to Using the Electronic System for Early Grades

January, 2022
Guide to Using the Electronic System for Early Grades.

Updated Electronic System Manual (2022)

January, 2022
Independent classroom observation- updated electronic system manual (2022).

Jordan EGMA 2021 Assessor Protocol

January, 2021
Jordan EGMA 2021 assessor protocol.

Jordan EGRA 2021 Stimulus Sheet

January, 2021
Jordan EGRA 2021 stimulus sheet.
