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Co-designing Prototypes for Future Learning Spaces: A Field Guide for Scaling Future Learning Spaces Innovation in the Philippines

November, 2022
The purpose of this field guide is to introduce concepts, tools, and group activities that can be used to guide educators in co-creating locally defined prototypes of future learning spaces that...

UEEP Success Story #8: Student's English Improves with New Textbooks

September, 2022
This success story highlights a English as a foreign language teacher's experience piloting the new ELF textbooks launched by the Ministry of Public Education, with support from the United States...

UEEP Success Story #5: Uzbek Teacher of Mathematics Contributes to New Curriculum and Books (UEEP)

September, 2022
This success story highlights the experience of a early grade math teacher and textbook writer. She outlines the development of age-appropriate requirements and standards for students first and...

Teaching by the book: Teacher decision-making while using structured lesson plans

September, 2022
The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology for understanding materials usage in primary classrooms in Sub-Saharan Africa that centers teachers’ actions and voices. The United Nation’s...

Anatomy of a Read Liberia Coach

September, 2022
This material highlights the eleven tasks Read Liberia coaches performed to support teachers and schools.

UEEP Success Story #6: Early Grade Teacher Co-Authors New Uzbek Language Arts Textbooks (UEEP)

September, 2022
This success story highlight the experience of one Uzbek Language Arts teacher in supporting the development of new reading materials for grades 1-4 learners. When she started working on the...

Uzbekistan ICT and EFL Teacher Guide Uptake Study Phase II Report

September, 2022
This study is Phase II of a two-part Teacher’s Guide Uptake Study (TGUS) for ICT and EFL. Phase I was conducted in December 2021 and field tested the above-referenced ICT TGs and the addendum to...

Philippines Remote Learning Study Report

August, 2022
In June 2020 the Philippines Department of Education (DepEd) adopted the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), a framework to guide the 2020–2021 school year in light of school...

Mobile money: A new way to compensate teachers in Liberia

August, 2022
In 2019, Read Liberia transitioned to the use of mobile money to remit per diem payments to teachers upon completion of twice-yearly trainings. Mobile money had a significant impact on Read...

Improving children's reading in Liberia: results from the NORC impact evaluation of the Read Liberia Activity

August, 2022
This brief highlights data from Read Liberia's external impact evaluation conducted by NORC
