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EGRA Plus in Liberia [Video]

January, 2012
EGRA Plus in Liberia Liberia began an early grade reading intervention, called EGRA Plus: Liberia, in 2008. By the end of the project in 2010, students' reading performance had nearly tripled....

Reading Skills and Gender: An Analysis

October, 2011
A brief summary of EGRA results across countries (through 2011) highlighting differences in achievement by gender.

Improving Learning Outcomes through Mother Tongue-Based Education

August, 2011
This four-page brief provides an overview of the learning and other advantages of providing educational instruction in mother tongue, or familiar, languages. The brief also contains information on...

Early Reading: Igniting Education for All. A report by the Early Grade Learning Community of Practice

May, 2011
Learning to read is a fundamental part of the first few years of primary education for early and sustained success in school. Yet, in many developing countries, a distressing number of students...

Early Grade(s) Reading Assessments: Evolution and Implementation to date

April, 2010
Evolution, coverage, Results, Challenges and opportunities of early grade reading assessments (EGRA).

Malawi National Reading Programme Training Manual for Chichewa Standard 1

The government of Malawi, through the MoEST, with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Department for International Development (DFID) is...
