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Situation and Needs Assessment for Students Who are Blind/Low Vision or Deaf/Hard of Hearing in Morocco (English)

November, 2016
This report provides a detailed analysis comparing international standards and best practices to the current situation in Morocco in the following areas: stakeholder engagement, legislation and...

Situation and Needs Assessment for Students Who are Blind/Low Vision or Deaf/Hard of Hearing in Morocco (French)

November, 2016
This report provides a detailed analysis comparing international standards and best practices to the current situation in Morocco in the following areas: stakeholder engagement, legislation and...

Situation and Needs Assessment for Students Who are Blind/Low Vision or Deaf/Hard of Hearing in Morocco (Arabic)

November, 2016
This report provides a detailed analysis comparing international standards and best practices to the current situation in Morocco in the following areas: stakeholder engagement, legislation and...

"Give me a child", The Economist (29 October 2016)

October, 2016
This article that appeared in The Economist (online and print editions) refers to work that RTI implements on behalf of USAID/Kenya for the Tayari project, as well as research that appeared in the...

Early childhood development coming of age: science through the life course

October, 2016
Article published in the journal The Lancet Early Childhood Development Series. Published Abstract: "Early childhood development programmes vary in coordination and quality, with inadequate and...

"Study: Early interventions urgently needed to improve development for 250 million children", newsroom (5 October 2016)

October, 2016
This article describes the launch of the Lancet series on early childhood education, and a study co-authored by Dr. Maureen Black, Distinguished Fellow at RTI International. See related resources...

The Tayari pre-primary program in Kenya: Getting children ready for primary school. Outcome evaluation baseline report.

October, 2016
This report describes the baseline findings of an external evaluation of the Tayari pre-primary school programme. Tayari is an early childhood development and education intervention funded by the...

The First 1,000 Days and Beyond: Integrated Approaches to Early Childhood Development (Video recording)

October, 2016
In October 2016, experts from RTI International, USAID, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation participated in a panel discussion examining how...

Scale-Up of Early Grade Reading Programs

October, 2016
In response to the growing need to improve learning outcomes, USAID's 2011 Education Strategy focused on improving the teaching and learning of reading in early grades. Its goal of 100 million...

Local Education Monitoring Approach (LEMA) Toolkit

October, 2016
This manual was created at the request of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It is a tool to guide individuals who are implementing a pilot application in locations...
