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We All Have a Role To Play In Ending Gender-Based Violence In Education

December, 2017
School-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) is any act or threat of physical, sexual or psychological violence or abuse that occurs in or around school. SRGBV is based on gendered stereotypes and...

Ending Gender-based Violence in Schools

December, 2017
This article, and an associated brief, were published by the Ugandan media outlet New Vision. It describes the roll-out of the "Journeys" program developed under the USAID/LARA program implemented...

Is ‘summer’ reading loss universal? Using ongoing literacy assessment in Malawi to estimate the loss from grade-transition breaks

December, 2017
Published abstract: "Summer learning loss – decreased academic performance following an extended school break, typically during the period after one grade ends and before another grade starts – is...

All Children Reading-Asia: EGRA Benchmarks and Standards Research Report

December, 2017
The Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) is widely used to assess reading proficiency in developing countries. Benchmarks were introduced to simplify EGRA results into a single indicator against...

Early Grade Reading (EGR) Inventory of NGOs/CBOs

December, 2017
RTI International and our partner AMIDEAST are pleased to submit this Inventory of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to the US Agency for...

Using ICT to support evidence-informed instruction [Presentation]

November, 2017
This presentation was delivered by Wendi Ralaingita at the Open Learning Exchange (OLE) conference in Kathmandu, Nepal (November 2017). It provides an overview of RTI's evidence-based approach to...

Examining the secondary effects of mother-tongue literacy instruction in Kenya: Impacts on student learning in English, Kiswahili, and mathematics

November, 2017
Limited rigorous evidence is available from sub-Saharan Africa regarding whether children who learn to read in their mother tongue will have higher learning outcomes in other subjects. A...

School Readiness Program Prepares Children for Grade One

November, 2017
Success story about a recent kindergarten initiative under USAID's Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Project to help children and parents prepare to enter school.

2017 Tanzania National EGRA, EGMA, SSME, and Life Skills Instruments

November, 2017
Final, validated instruments used in the 2017 Tanzania National EGRA. The EGRA and SSME were made possible with funding from USAID. The EGMA component was made possible by funding from Global...

Grade 1-3 Khmer Language Curriculum Review Report: Summary Report of Available Assessment Data, Teacher Survey and Curriculum Materials Review

November, 2017
This report, from the All Children Reading-Cambodia project, documents the results of the teacher survey, desk review and compilation of assessment data and communicates the implications of that...
