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Malawi MERIT SD3 Teachers Guide, Chichewa

September, 2016
Teachers guide for Chichewa for Standard 3.

Bahan Rujukan bagi LPTK IIIA: Praktik yang Baik dalam Pembelajaran di SD/MI - Kelas Awal

September, 2016
Unit 1 Balanced Reading Program Unit 1 Program Membaca Berimbang Unit 2 Merancang Program Membaca Berimbang Unit 3 Pengelolaan Buku Bacaan Berjenjang Unit 4 Persiapan dan Praktik Mengajar Unit 5...

Bahan Rujukan bagi LPTK III: Praktik yang Baik dalam Pembelajaran di SD/MI - MBS

September, 2016
Unit 1 Gambaran Umum Monitoring Program USAID PRIORITAS Unit 2 Kaji Ulang Kemajuan Sekolah (Dampak Pelatihan Modul Kedua) Unit 3 Pengelolaan Program Budaya Baca Unit 4 Mendengar Aktif Unit 5...

Baseline Report of Early Grade Reading and School-Related Gender-Based Violence

September, 2016
Between April and June 2016, the Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity conducted a School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV) baseline study with the purpose of establishing a snapshot of...

Improving Literacy Instruction in Kenya Through Teacher Professional Development and Text Messages Support: A Cluster Randomized Trial

August, 2016
Article published in Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness. Published abstract: We evaluated a program to improve literacy instruction on the Kenyan coast using training workshops,...

Malawi MERIT SD2 Teachers Guide, Chichewa

August, 2016
Teachers Guide for Standard 2

“I failed, no matter how hard I tried”: A mixed-methods study of the role of achievement in primary school dropout in rural Kenya.

July, 2016
Article published in the International Journal of Education and Development, Volume 50. From Journal abstract: "Initial access to school is nearly universal in Kenya, but many children who enroll...

Modul Pengembangan Sekolah Secara Menyeluruh: Peran Kepala Sekolah dan Pengawas | Comprehensive School Development Module: The Role of School Principals and Supervisors

July, 2016
Ini adalah Modul Pengembangan Sekolah Komprehensif Tentang Peran Kepala Sekolah dan Pengawas. Ini mencakup, Pembelajaran Aktif, Program Budaya Baca, Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah, Pemantauan Sekolah,...

Survey of Children's Reading Materials in African Languages in Eleven Countries - General Report

May, 2016
The purpose of the Reading Materials Survey was to develop an approach to collecting information on the available supply of early grade reading (EGR) materials. The approach included the...

Summary of the Early Grade Reading Materials Survey in the Democratic Republic of Congo

May, 2016
The purpose of the Reading Materials Survey was to develop an approach to collecting information on the available supply of early grade reading (EGR) materials. The approach included the...
