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"We Need to Talk to our Children!" Tusomere Wamu Forum Theatre Drama

April, 2017
"We Need to Talk to our Children!" Tusomere Wamu Forum Theatre Drama

"No School Today!" Tusomere Wamu Forum Theatre Drama

April, 2017
"No School Today!" Tusomere Wamu Forum Theatre Drama

"Read With Us!" Tusomere Wamu Forum Theatre Drama

April, 2017
"Read With Us!" Tusomere Wamu Forum Theatre Drama

The Power of Instructional Support: Using Existing Systems to Change Teacher Behavior in Kenya

March, 2017
Presentation delivered at CIES 2017 (Atlanta). Instructional support is essential in the process of creating and supporting instructional change. Educational quality improvement is the elusive...

Prospects and Challenges in Scaling up Mother Tongue Curriculum Development and Implementation in Multilingual Environment: Experiences from Ethiopia

March, 2017
Presentation delivered at CIES 2017 (Atlanta). A number of linguistically diverse countries are embarked on providing their children with Mother Tongue (MT) instruction to enhance educational...

Relationships Between Coach Support and Teacher Instructional Practices Preliminary Findings from the Nigeria Reading and Access Research Activity (RARA)

March, 2017
Presentation delivered at CIES2017 (Atlanta). As part of the USAID-funded Nigeria Reading and Access Research Activity (RARA) (2014-2015), RTI International developed and evaluated, through a...

Beyond the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment: Informing Practice

March, 2017

Tayari’s Longitudinal Evaluation Midline Results

March, 2017
Presentation delivered at CIES 2017 (Atlanta). The Tayari intervention’s randomized controlled trial design is structured to allow for causal inference of Tayari’s impact on school readiness....

Platforms to Reach Children in Early Childhood

March, 2017
Presentation at CIES March 2017 (Atlanta).

Literacy Award presented to 19 USAID-partner regencies, municipalities

March, 2017
Referencing the USAID/PRIORITAS project. From the News Desk of the Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, March 21, 2017 | 02:36 pm, "The Culture and Education Ministry and the US Agency for International...
