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Early Childhood Services for Young Refugee Children: Uganda Case Study

May, 2020
This qualitative case study describes the experiences of young refugee children and their families accessing early childhood development (ECD) services in Uganda in late 2019. The study team...

Early Childhood Services for Young Refugee Children: Bangladesh Case Study

May, 2020
This qualitative case study describes the experiences of young refugee children and their families accessing early childhood development (ECD) services in Bangladesh in late 2019. The study team...

Early Childhood Services for Young Refugee Children: Jordan Case Study

May, 2020
This qualitative case study describes the experiences of young refugee children and their families accessing early childhood development (ECD) services in Jordan in late 2019. The study team...

Is It Possible to Improve Learning at Scale? Reflections on the Process of Identifying Large-Scale Successful Education Interventions

March, 2020
Improving learning outcomes at scale is hard. That may seem obvious, but only recently have policymakers and donors become aware of just how dire—and broad—the learning crisis is. Most of their...

Independent Classroom Observations for Equality Acutance

October, 2019
The current study sought to test the stability of the new classroom observation tool that was developed by the initiative, and to reveal the extent of consistency among educational supervisors in...

Tayari Parent Engagement Pilot Intervention Summary Report

May, 2019
Children’s development is significantly attributed to their experiences at home, from birth through the early years of schooling, and responsive caregiving from early on has a significant impact...

Longitudinal impacts of the medium-scale Tayari pre-primary intervention in Kenya: Resisting fadeout effects? [CIES 2019 Presentation]

May, 2019
This presentation shares findings from a longitudinal study of the Kenya Tayari program, examining whether ECD effects persisted into primary school, presented by Dr. Benjamin Piper at CIES 2019.

CIES 2019 Presentation: An examination of executive function skills in primary 1 students from Liberia

April, 2019
Executive functions are a cognitive skill set that underlie our goal-directed, planning, and problem solving behavior, and include the components of working memory, inhibitory control, and...

Testing Two Approaches to Engaging Pre-Primary Parents in Kenya [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
The Tayari Program – Getting Children Ready for School is a Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) funded early education program in Kenya with a goal to increase school readiness skills of...

Effective pedagogy in cultural context: Preaching to the introverted [CIES 2019 Presentation]

April, 2019
Several forces are at play in determining whether pedagogical approaches are optimally adapted to the culture of children’s behaviour and of teacher-child interaction in the classroom. Teachers’...
